Department Overview
The mission of the psychology major is to provide students with a foundation of concepts, issues, discoveries, and methodologies for the scientific study of psychological processes. In part, this foundation is achieved by exploring a number of perspectives within the field including neuroscientific, perceptual, cognitive, developmental, social, and clinical phenomena. Faculty expect that Skidmore psychology majors will acquire basic knowledge about several areas and gain quantitative and research skills necessary to make informed judgments about psychological research. In addition, students will learn to evaluate, integrate, and think critically about theoretical and applied issues and to communicate their knowledge of psychology effectively through written and oral forms. Thus, students are encouraged to take writing-intensive courses as preparation for the major.
There is no formal program for a minor in psychology. Those interested in taking some psychology courses without actually completing a major are encouraged to select a set of courses relevant to their needs. Members of the department are happy to assist in this selection process.
Statement Regarding CIP Code Change: In March 2024, all Psychology major CIP codes (retroactive for all graduating years) were updated to CIP 42.2704 - Experimental Psychology. This action was taken because the College determined that the program had always aligned with the National Center for Education Statistics’ (2010 CIP) definition – “A program that focuses on the scientific study of behavior under experimental conditions and the analysis of controlled behavioral responses. Includes instruction in learning theory, research design and experimental methods, psychological measurement, statistical design and methods, analysis of cognitive and behavioral variables, and the conduct of specialized and large-scale studies.”
Credit for Advanced Placement
Students receiving a score of 4 or 5 on the Psychology Advanced Placement (AP) exam or a score of 5, 6, or 7 on the Higher Level International Baccalaureate (IB) exam will receive credit for having taken PS 101 Introduction to Psychological Science.
Chair of the Department of Psychology: Rebecca Johnson
Associate Chair of the Department of Psychology: Jessica Sullivan
Professors: Rebecca Johnson, Hassan López, Corinne Moss-Racusin, Mark Rye, Casey Schofield, Sheldon Solomon, Jessica Sullivan
Associate Professors: Denise L. Evert, The Susan Kettering Williamson ’59 Chair in Neuroscience; Pablo Gómez, Daniel Peterson, Dominique Vuvan, Leigh Wilton, Erica Wojcik
Assistant Professors: Lucas LaFreniere, Harrison Schmitt
Senior Teaching Professor: Rachel Mann-Rosan
Teaching Professor: Stephanie Vaughan
Visiting Assistant Professor: Lauren Berger, Lisa Chalik, Abigail Kleinsmith
Lecturers: Lucy Cui, Zoe Fowler, Doug Kowalewski, Dana Lau, McKenzie Miller, Emanuel Valentin
Emeritus Professor: John Berman, Virginia Murphy-Berman, Joan Douglas, Mary Ann Foley, Hugh Foley, Holley Hodgins, Robert Oswalt, Flip Phillips
Administrative Assistant: Nicole Buck
Psychology B.A.
To complete a major, students must take a minimum of 11 courses in psychology. Only two courses may be taken at other institutions1.
- 1
PS 102 Colloquium in Psychological Science, PS 202 Statistics and Research Methods I, the Research Methods 2 Course, and PS 365 Senior Coda: Rethinking Psychology, must be taken at Skidmore and cannot be transferred in from another institution.
Code | Title | Hours |
Required Core Courses | ||
PS 101 | Introduction to Psychological Science 1 | 4 |
PS 102 | Colloquium in Psychological Science 2 | 1 |
PS 202 | Statistics and Research Methods I | 4 |
PS 365 | Senior Coda: Rethinking Psychology | 1 |
Research Methods 2 Courses 3 | ||
Select one of the following: | 4 | |
Research Methods 2: Intermediate Statistics | ||
Research Methods 2: Physiological Psychology | ||
Research Methods 2: Cognitive Development | ||
Research Methods 2: Social Psychology | ||
Research Methods 2: Perception | ||
Research Methods 2: Memory | ||
Research Methods 2: Psychological Testing | ||
Breadth Elective Courses 4 | ||
Select three breadth elective courses of the following, with at least one course from Group 1 and at least one course from Group 2: | 9-12 | |
Additional Elective Courses | ||
Special Seminar Series in Psychology | ||
Exploratory Research Experience in Psychology | ||
Select three 300-level courses, at least two of which must come from the list of content-specific courses: | 9-12 | |
Additional 300-Level Electives (this experience may count toward the 300-level requirement only if taken for 3 or 4 credits) | ||
Clinical Psychology Field Experience 2 | ||
Independent Study in Psychology | ||
Research Independent Study in Psychology | ||
Senior Research Project I | ||
Senior Research Project II | ||
Senior Seminar | ||
Professional Internship in Psychology | ||
Additional Elective Course | ||
Special Advanced Seminar Series in Psychology | ||
Meeting of the Minds (Meeting of the Minds) | ||
Total Hours | 32-38 |
- 1
PS 101 Introduction to Psychological Science is waived for AP Psychology exam scores of 4 or 5 and IB Psychology exam scores of 5, 6, or 7.
- 2
A maximum of 6 credits taken on a satisfactory/unsatisfactory basis may count toward the major. Students must take PS 102 Colloquium in Psychological Science (1 credit) and PS 365 Senior Coda: Rethinking Psychology (1 credit) which are only offered S/U, and can only take 3 additional credits S/U to count toward the major (for a total of 5). None of the required core courses or any 300-level psychology courses except PS 329 Clinical Psychology Field Experience, PS 371 Independent Study in Psychology, PS 373 Research Independent Study in Psychology, and PS 399 Professional Internship in Psychology fulfilling the major may be taken on an S/U basis. The grade-point average for the courses presented toward the major must meet the minimum of 2.000. Of these courses, only one course may have been completed with a grade of D.
- 3
The Research Methods II course must be completed by the end of the junior year.
- 4
As they consider the choice of electives, students should consult the Psychology Department Web site and their advisors for information about potential pathways of interest through the major (clinical, developmental, neuropsychology/cognitive neuroscience, social/personality).
Group 1: Perception/Cognition/Neuroscience Breadth Elective Courses
Code | Title | Hours |
PS 212 | Themes in Contemporary Psychology | 3-4 |
PS 213 | Hormones and Behavior | 4 |
PS 218 | Cognition | 4 |
PS 219 | Health Psychology | 3 |
PS 221 | Clinical Psychopharmacology | 3 |
PS 223 | Evolutionary Psychology | 4 |
PS 225 | Perception | 3 |
PS 226 | Cognitive Biases | 3 |
PS 231 | Neuropsychology | 4 |
PS 232 | Introduction to Cognitive Science | 3 |
PS 233 | Cognitive Neuroscience | 4 |
NS 101 | Introduction to Neuroscience | 4 |
Group 2: Social/Developmental/Clinical/Applied Breadth Elective Courses
Code | Title | Hours |
PS 204 | Educational Psychology | 3 |
PS 205 | Social Psychology | 4 |
PS 206 | Developmental Psychology | 4 |
PS 207 | Introduction to Child Development | 4 |
PS 208 | Adolescent Development | 4 |
PS 209 | Adult Development | 4 |
PS 210 | Personality | 4 |
PS 211 | Applied Psychology | 4 |
PS 212 | Themes in Contemporary Psychology | 3-4 |
PS 214 | Psychological Disorders | 4 |
PS 215 | Social Identity & Interaction | 4 |
PS 234 | Developmental Disabilities and Autism | 4 |
PS 252 | Psychology at the Tang | 4 |
Content-Specific Elective Courses
Code | Title | Hours |
ID 310 | Language and Thought | 4 |
PS 303 | Research Methods 2: Intermediate Statistics 1 | 4 |
PS 304 | Research Methods 2: Physiological Psychology 1 | 4 |
PS 305 | Research Methods 2: Cognitive Development | 4 |
PS 307 | Advanced Personality | 3 |
PS 310 | Applied Behavior Analysis: Principles and Practice of Operant Conditioning | 4 |
PS 311 | Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy | 4 |
PS 312 | Adv Sem Major Issues | 3,4 |
PS 313 | Psychology of Gender | 4 |
PS 314 | Psychology of Reading 1 | 4 |
PS 315 | Clinical Psychology | 4 |
PS 318H | Advanced Statistics in Psychology | 4 |
PS 320 | Research Methods 2: Social Psychology 1 | 4 |
PS 321 | Motivation and Emotion | 4 |
PS 322 | Positive Psychology | 4 |
PS 323 | Psycholinguistics | 4 |
PS 325 | Research Methods 2: Perception 1 | 4 |
PS 328 | Seminar in Clinical Psychology: Anxiety and Its Disorders | 3 |
PS 330 | Research Methods 2: Memory 1 | 4 |
PS 332 | Cross-Cultural & Multicultural Psychology | 4 |
PS 333 | Sleep and Dreams | 4 |
PS 334 | Psychology of Religion | 3 |
PS 335 | Psychology of Race | 4 |
PS 336 | Music Cognition | 4 |
PS 337 | Cross-Cultural Development | 4 |
PS 338 | Language Development | 4 |
PS 339 | Psychology of Bodies and Self | 4 |
PS 341 | Seminar in Cognitive Neuroscience: Left Brain/Right Brain | 3 |
- 1
If taken to fulfill the Experimental Methods II requirement, a different course must be chosen to fulfill the 300-level requirement.
The grade-point average for the ten courses presented toward the major must meet the minimum requirement of 2.000. Of these courses, only one may have been completed with a grade of D.
In conjunction with the relevant department, the Psychology Department offers a major in neuroscience.
Writing Requirement in the Major
Students fulfill the writing requirement in the Psychology major by completing a PS 202 Statistics and Research Methods I and one Research Methods 2 course.
Upon completion of the major, psychology students should be able to:
- Demonstrate competency in the various forms of writing within psychology ranging from lab-based empirical reports to more conceptual papers and reviews.
- Appreciate the differences between scientific writing and other forms of writing.
- Demonstrate an ability to write in an effective and persuasive manner. Effectiveness includes the ability to:
- develop and present clear and logical arguments,
- use correct grammar,
- sufficiently elaborate and defend points, including backing up assertions with appropriate evidence,
- appropriately evaluate the audience and point of view from which a paper should be written (including providing sufficient context and definitions of content-specific terminology)
- justify conclusions, and
- integrate information from multiple sources.
- Differentiate between types of source materials (e.g., original research, academic summaries, popular press) and the role that each can/should play in different types of writing assignments.
- Demonstrate competency in writing in the style of the American Psychological Association, which includes technical, grammatical, and stylistic conventions.
Recommendations and Advice
Those students who discover relatively early in their program of study an interest in research, and those who have completed PS 303 Research Methods 2: Intermediate Statistics or an equivalent course, are at a particular advantage when applying for external fellowship opportunities. The summer between the junior and senior year of study is an ideal time to seek this kind of opportunity. Faculty encourage students to distinguish between the minimum requirements for a major in psychology and the preparation necessary for graduate study in psychology. Those majors who plan to pursue graduate work in Ph.D. programs in psychology should seek significant research experience(s) beyond those experiences that are part of the minimum requirements for the major. Several opportunities for these kinds of extended research experiences are available to majors by way of advanced lab courses (e.g., PS 304 Research Methods 2: Physiological Psychology, PS 320 Research Methods 2: Social Psychology), advanced statistics (PS 318H Advanced Statistics in Psychology), directed studies (PS 371 Independent Study in Psychology), independent research experiences (PS 373 Research Independent Study in Psychology), summer collaborative research experiences, and thesis capstone projects (PS 375 Senior Research Project I/PS 376 Senior Research Project II).
Psi Chi
Psi Chi is the international honor society in psychology, founded in 1929 for the purpose of encouraging scholarship and advancing the science of psychology. Eligibility requirements for our local Skidmore chapter include declaration of a major in psychology, completion of at least four psychology courses (or three psychology courses and NS 101 Introduction to Neuroscience), a GPA of 3.500 or higher in psychology, and a cumulative GPA of 3.300 or higher in all college courses.
To be eligible for departmental honors in psychology, a student must
- meet the requisite grade-point average, overall GPA of 3.0 and major GPA of 3.65
- complete a research project in Senior Research Project I and II or a major paper in Senior Seminar or have substantial experience with psychological science beyond the classroom, and
- be recommended for departmental honors by the department.
Course Listing
An interdisciplinary examination of the neurobiological bases of behavior and mental processing. Topics include the structure and functioning of the nervous system, brain-behavior relationships, and hormonal and genetic effects on behavior and mental processing. Laboratories develop students' understanding of functional neuroanatomy, neural transmission, and human psychophysiology.
An introductory exploration of conducting research in neuroscience. The purpose of this learning experience is to provide students with an interactive research experience in the laboratory or field, in coordination with a faculty member. Students may be exposed to, and participate in, several aspects of the research process, including planning, designing, and implementing the research, as well as in data analysis and interpretation of the results. This experience will allow students at various stages of their careers to sample research questions/methodologies in particular subdisciplines of neuroscience, and will enhance the student's ability for more independent work.
A study of selected areas of neuroscience research and techniques. Both primary source articles and first-person accounts by faculty in the biology and psychology departments are used to introduce the theoretical and practical aspects of neuroscience research. Emphasis will be placed on understanding the multiple levels (e.g., molecular to behavioral) at which research topics in neuroscience can be addressed and also the ways in which research techniques define the types of questions that can be asked at a given level of analysis.
An introduction to the science of psychology through a survey of theories, methods, and principles of behavior. Students will learn about empirical studies that are central to the various subdisciplines of psychology.
A study of selected areas of psychology research and techniques. This course is intended for students who plan to major in psychology, and we strongly encourage majors to complete this course by the end of their sophomore year. Students will read primary source articles and hear first-person accounts by faculty in the Psychology Department (and possibly outside speakers) as an introduction to the theoretical and practical aspects of psychology research. Emphasis will be placed on understanding the various domains of scientific inquiry within the field of psychology, and also the ways in which research techniques define the types of questions that can be asked at a given level of analysis.
An introduction to the research methodologies and statistical analyses used in psychological science. Emphasis will be on experimentation in psychology (designing and conducting experiments, analyzing data, and reporting results through scientific writing).
The application of psychological principles to problems of student learning, student achievement, teaching methods, and educational assessment.
A survey of theory and research on the nature and causes of individual behavior (thoughts, feelings, actions) in social situations.
An exploration of how knowledge and abilities change over the human lifespan, from infancy, childhood, and the teenage years, to early and late adulthood. Students will address the major theories that drive the field of developmental psychology, including those centered around understanding how and why we change over time, what information we are born with (and what is learned), and the roles of genes and the environment in shaping development. Students will apply their knowledge both inside and outside the classroom and will be expected to learn about development through observation, empirical journal articles, and their lived experience.
A survey of theory and research related to physical, psychological, and behavioral development from conception through childhood. Students will learn about the process of development as a continuous interaction between biology and experience. Topics include the development of cognition, gender, and self-understanding; socioemotional development; and the role of parenting. Through the service-learning component of the course, students will interact directly with children at one of the two campus preschools on a weekly basis.
An overview of the theories, research, and issues in the study of human development from early to late adolescence. Students will focus on the biological, cognitive, and social changes during adolescence, the psychosocial issues of adolescence (e.g., identity, achievement, intimacy), and the contexts in which adolescent development occurs (e.g., families, peer groups, schools). Students will explore these topics through a combination of lecture, empirical and theoretical readings, case studies of the lives of adolescents, and service-learning experience.
Psychological aspects of human growth and function from maturity to senescence, with consideration of research procedures and problems as well as recent findings and relevant theory. Through the service-learning component of the course, students will directly interact with mature adults at one of the several local centers on a weekly basis, furthering their knowledge of adult development and aging through their own experience.
Considers major theories of personality to gain an understanding of how genetic and environmental factors interact to influence human behavior.
An application of principles of psychology to issues in education, industry, environmental initiatives, health, consumer culture, and the law. Students will have an introductory "hands-on" experience in applied research. Goals of the course include familiarization with methods of applied work and psychology's contributions to the above-listed issues; ability to use social science methods to critically evaluate various types of social initiatives; an appreciation of what social science can (and cannot) contribute in applied settings; and a grasp of the ethical issues involved in such work.
Introductory exploration of selected themes in contemporary psychology with special attention to major trends of theoretical interest and research activity. Such themes might include decision-making, narratives in psychology, health psychology, environmental psychology.
An introduction to behavioral endocrinology, the study of how hormal activity within the nervous endocrine system affects psychology and behavior. In this class, we will adopt a comparative approach, where we will analyze how hormonal effects are both similar and different between species, such as humans, monkeys, songbirds, and rats. The first third of the course will cover fundamentals of endocrine organization and function. We will then shift our focus to sex differences, exploring: sexual differentiation, sexually-dimorphic behaviors, gender differences in cognition, and sexual orientation. Several lectures will be dedicated towards discussing the hormonal regulation of sexual behavior and reproductive potential in both males and females. Finally, we will discuss the role of hormones in mediating affiliative, prosocial, and aggressive behaviors.
An introduction to the history and study of psychological disorders (e.g., substance use disorders, psychotic disorders, mood disorders, anxiety disorders, personality disorders) with an emphasis on understanding the development of disorders, diagnostic issues, and symptoms.
A study of how people interact with others from different social identity groups, how social identity shapes people’s judgments of themselves, how social identity is signaled or concealed, and how these factors have consequences for prejudice, stereotypes, social stigma, support for social rights, and social equality. This course examines the psychological science behind how people’s social identities and group affiliations influence how they perceive and treat others – and how they understand power and justice – in the United States.
The scientific study of the ways in which people encode, integrate, transform, and use information derived from their firsthand experiences and more indirect ones. While studying theories, methodologies, and research findings that are the hallmarks of cognitive psychology, students expand their understanding of these cognitive processes. The processes discussed include attention, consciousness, imagination, remembering, forgetting (and its failure), knowledge representation, narrative processing, reasoning, and decision-making. Students learn about the brain's role by examining the neural mechanisms that underlie cognitive processes. Particular attention is given to writing as a way of discovering, integrating, and extending knowledge about the cognitive processes that are examined.
A study of the relationships between psychological factors and well-being using bio-psychosocial perspectives. This multidisciplinary approach integrates knowledge from physiology, psychobiology, personality, social psychology, and sociology to understand health, illness, and well-being. The primary objective of this course is to familiarize students with the conceptual basis, research methods, and research findings in the field of health psychology.
An examination of the therapeutic effect of drugs used to treat mental disorders from a neuropharmacological perspective. Students will study fundamental aspects of synaptic function and psychopharmacology (pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics), as well as experimental methods used to develop and test novel pharmaceuticals. Students will also explore specific mental illnesses, associated neurochemical pathophysiology, and current drug treatment strategies. Students will become familiar with the primary syndromes used to diagnose each disorder, the neurochemical pathways implicated in psychopathology, and specific (receptor-mediated) mechanisms of drug activity.
A survey of theory and research on human behavior from an evolutionary perspective. Students will gain an understanding of evolutionary theory, from its Darwinian inception to the modern synthesis, and develop the ability to apply evolutionary thinking to provide ultimate explanations for human behavior. Students will learn about the lives of ancestral humans, including challenges of survival, mating, parenting, and group living, how our psychology evolved to facilitate successful navigation of these challenges, and how we can observe evolved psychology in the modern environment. The origin of literature, religion, and art will also be explored.
The study of the way in which people use sensory input to identify and interpret information in the world. The course will examine contributions of sensory, neural, and cognitive factors to perceptual experience. Discussions will cover general perceptual principles, but will emphasize visual and auditory processes.
In this course students will learn to identify cognitive biases and logical fallacies as they apply to their own lived experiences. Critically, students will focus on how cognitive biases impact U.S. institutional systems (political policy, healthcare, and education) to understand its consequences on power dynamics, justice, and social identity in society. Throughout the course students will interact with a variety of primary resources to learn about numerous cognitive biases, reflect on diverse experiences, and become a more critical consumer of knowledge.
An introduction to the relationship between the brain and mind through the assessment of human patients with brain damage. This focus will show how scientists are better able to understand components of the mind (i.e., processes related to attention, perception, cognition, personality, emotion, memory, language, consciousness) and behavior, and how this information can be used to refine theories of psychological and neural functioning. A case-study approach of humans with brain damage will be adopted in this course.
What are the critical components of "mind," "consciousness," "knowledge," and "thought"? Students will survey philosophical, psychological, neuroscientific, anthropological, and computational approaches to understanding this question-an interdisciplinary field of study known as cognitive science. Cognitive Science defines itself through the types of questions it asks and the methods used to answer them. One fundamental approach to developing our hypotheses and theories involves the development of models testable representations of these processes and ideas. These models are tested and refined against the array of low-level physiological processes, individual behaviors, and group and global systems that define our cognitive world. As we iterate this modeling-testing loop, we hope to come closer to understanding the foundations of thought and mind. Students will also survey the fields associated with cognitive science and discover how its methodologies interconnect them. Traditional computational and mental-representation models as well as a few alternative propositions involving dynamical systems will be examined through rigorous study. As a result, students will gain tools to broaden and inform their inquiry in any field that focuses on the mind and thought.
A survey of the history, methods, and research in cognitive neuroscience, the study of the biological processes that underpin cognition. The course will examine topics such as the history and philosophy of cognitive neuroscience; methods, including electroencephalography; functional magnetic resonance imaging; and transcranial magnetic stimulation as well as research on perception, attention, memory, language, music, and consciousness. Recommended preparation for upper-level courses in psychology and neuroscience that engage with the links between mind and brain.
A clinical overview of the most common developmental disabilities and autism spectrum disorders. Students will gain an understanding of each disorder (its etiology, behavioral presentation, and appropriate interventions) while studying the role of historical perspectives and current research in the assessment and treatment of developmental disabilities. Students will develop skills in functional assessment and behavior support planning through the use of case studies and their own observations. Students will work together to develop and implement a weeklong awareness event on campus focused on Autism Spectrum Disorders.
A topical seminar, lab, or discussion group that may be offered as an extension to a particular course in psychology or as a free-standing experience (e.g., a film series with focus on contemporary psychological issues). Discussion may focus on additional topics as a follow-up from a previous learning experience or may provide exploration of a new topic not covered in a traditional departmental offering. The frequency with which the seminar meets will vary depending on the goal of the seminar. When offered as an extension to another course, the combined credits may not exceed 5 credits.
An interdisciplinary investigation into the ways in which scientists and artists contend with power, privilege, and inequality within the contemporary United States. In this Bridge Experience course, students will consider the ways in which artistic and scientific approaches can work in harmony to illuminate shared underlying themes, as well as the ways in which there may be interesting tensions between these two forms. To do so, students will carefully analyze both compelling psychological research (from empirical articles) and art found at the Tang Teaching Museum, culminating in a student-curated exhibition. May be repeated for credit with a different topic.
The creation and maintenance of a public multi-media web resource about child development. Students will determine the mission of the website, its format, and its content. Students will research the types of blogs and websites that parents read; have conversations with caregivers, parents, and educators to discover what people want to know about developmental psychology; and speak with developmental psychologists about what they would like parents and the public to know. Students can (and are encouraged to!) take this course multiple times. Each semester, we will add content and brainstorm new ways to make our site better.
An introductory exploration of conducting research in psychology. Its purpose is to provide students with an interactive research experience in a particular laboratory or clinical setting. Students will experience various aspects of the research process, e.g., the planning and implementation of research, protocols for data collection, and testing of hypotheses. Exposure to research methodologies within a particular area of psychological inquiry should enhance the student’s ability for more independent work.
An introductory exploration of conducting research in psychology. Its purpose is to provide students with an interactive research experience in a particular laboratory or clinical setting. Students will experience various aspects of the research process, e.g., the planning and implementation of research, protocols for data collection, and testing of hypotheses. Exposure to research methodologies within a particular area of psychological inquiry should enhance the student’s ability for more independent work.
A further exploration into the research methodologies and statistical analyses used in different areas of psychological science. Emphasis will be on additional methods used in psychological research (designing and conducting experiments, analyzing data, and reporting results through scientific writing).
A theoretical and empirical introduction to behavioral neuroscience. Emphasis will be on animal models used to understand various psychological processes, including anxiety, drug reward, and spatial cognition. Laboratory sessions are used to test the effect of various pharmacological compounds on animal behavior. Students are expected to interact with rodent subjects. Extensive scientific writing is a critical aspect of the course.
A theoretical and empirical exploration of cognitive development. Emphasis will be on understanding the developmental origins of language, spatial representations, concepts, mathematics, biological understanding, and social reasoning. Emphasis will also be on connecting cutting-edge empirical scientific research on cognitive development to the larger philosophical debates from which this field emerged. Readings will come from the fields of philosophy, theoretical psychology, and empirical psychology. Laboratory sessions will be used to conduct and analyze original research on cognitive development, and to learn advanced statistical techniques.
A detailed examination of factors that influence personality development. Attention is devoted toward understanding how different aspects of human personality can account for the development of various social institutions. The development and evaluation of hypotheses to understand personality processes, and strategies to induce change are also considered.
Why do we behave the way we do? How do we clinically address behaviors that are interfering with a person's functioning? Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) is the use of classical behavior modification techniques to modify problem behaviors. All behavior serves a purpose and through the understanding of the “function” of the behavior you can design more effective behavior modification techniques. In this course students will examine the theories, techniques, and science behind these practices and how they have been applied to a variety of different treatment modalities (clinical practice, schools, athletics, animal training).
An advanced study in cognitive-behavioral theory, research findings, and clinical application. Students will learn, discuss, and actually practice CBT techniques. Students will choose their own treatment manual to read, act out, and apply in mock sessions. Real therapist training materials and scientific papers on CBT will be read and discussed.
An examination of the ways in which gender shapes the lives of women and men. Using an interdisciplinary, scientific approach, students will explore psychological research and review empirical findings that test beliefs about gender in our society. Topics include: cultural and evolutionary accounts for gendered behavior; observed (and perceived) sex differences and similarities in abilities and personality; gender socialization in childhood; backlash against stereotype violators; the influence of gender roles and stereotypes on discrimination; work and parenthood; portrayals of men and women in the media; gender in romantic and sexual relationships; and sexual aggression and violence.
Addresses the cognitive and neuroscientific underpinnings of “the most remarkable specific performance that civilization has learned in all its history” (Huey, 1908). That is, the ability to read. How do reading skills develop and how should reading be taught? What parts of the brain enable us to read? What causes reading disorders such as dyslexia? Students will answer questions such as these as they investigate the scientific research behind how the mind and brain process written text. Theory, research, and application will all be considered. Topics will include the cognitive processes involved in reading, experimental techniques such as masked priming, eye-tracking, and fMRI, sentence and discourse comprehension, neural bases of normal skilled reading and reading disorders, and models of visual word recognition and eye-movement control.
An introduction to the science and practice of clinical psychology. Topics include clinical training, diagnosis, psychotherapy, outcome research, and ethics. Students will learn basic clinical interviewing skills, learn to critically evaluate therapeutic practices, participate in a mock clinical interview, and develop a treatment plan based on best practices.
A study of advanced techniques and controversial issues in experimental design and analysis. The course will emphasize computer analysis of a range of experimental designs.
A study of the processes underlying everyday social behavior and thought. Students will use scientific research methods to investigate social behavior such as group decision-making, prejudice and bias, unconscious thinking, motivation, and humor enjoyment.
An examination of the principal constructs employed in theories of motivation and emotion. Students will review the current status of both biologically based and psychologically based theories, using primary sources. Additionally, students will plan and carry out a project that applies a theory of motivation or emotion in a field setting.
An examination of psychological well-being. What factors contribute to happiness? Why do some people thrive, even in the midst of life's most difficult circumstances? Students will read and discuss scientific articles related to happiness, forgiveness, self-compassion, mindfulness, gratitude, flow, creativity, and meaning. Students will design their own positive psychology research study and will have the opportunity to apply the course concepts to their own lives.
An examination of the psychological mechanisms necessary to learn, comprehend, and produce both spoken and written language. The course addresses questions such as: How do people acquire the ability to comprehend language, speak, read, and write? What are the cognitive processes involved in everyday language usage? What is the brain's role in language and what can we learn about language from patients with brain injury? These questions and more are addressed while investigating the psychology of language from a scientific perspective, looking at what psychological research can tell us about human language acquisition, comprehension, and production.
The study of the way in which people use sensory input to identify and interpret information in the world. The course will examine contributions of sensory, neural, and cognitive factors to perceptual experience. Discussions will cover general perceptual principles, but will emphasize visual and auditory processes.
A study of the nature of anxiety and anxiety disorders, taught as a seminar modeled on graduate-level work. Students focus on the etiology, pathogenesis, symptoms, and treatment of anxiety disorders in adults with an emphasis on clinical applications and psychological/cognitive-behavioral approaches to conceptualizations and therapies.
Professional experience working 10 hours per week at a local mental health/human service agency. Students will receive on-site supervision from a professional at the agency and one hour of group supervision each week from a Skidmore clinical psychology professor. Field placements are limited, and students will be selected through a competitive application process.
A study of the research methods employed to investigate cognitive processes recruited in memory creation and maintenance. Students will learn to design and implement experimental techniques to assess memory, covering topics such as attention, emotion and personal associations. Students carry out a research project and write papers conforming to APA guidelines.
An introduction to the main topics of cross-cultural and multicultural psychology in such areas as sensation and perception, motivation and emotion, memory and cognition, self-identity, verbal and nonverbal communication, acculturation and social and moral development. Students will gain a greater awareness of their own cultural attitudes and beliefs and comprehend the experiences of others who are from cultures other than their own.
An examination of the little-understood phenomena of sleeping and dreaming. We will consider theoretical explanations and empirical findings from neuroscience and psychology. Students also will investigate a particular aspect of sleeping and/or dreaming through designing and carrying out projects.
An introduction to the scientific study of religious phenomena. Topics include religion across the lifespan, death anxiety, near-death experiences, religious conversions, cults, mystical religious experiences, prayer, forgiveness, and religious coping. Students will develop a proposal for a study of a topic of interest.
A scientific exploration of the study of race and diversity in the United States as they relate to individual and group attitudes, cognitions, and behaviors. Students will focus on social psychological perspectives on these topics, including how individual worldviews and motivations influence the way people see and define race and diversity; how different models of diversity influence intergroup relations and diversity goals separately for majority and minority group members; how multiracial populations and intersectional identities influence theories and models of race and diversity; and how the psychologically-based causes, correlates, and consequences of stereotypes, discrimination, and prejudice operate across domains (e. g., academia, the workplace, health). Students will also engage in learning activities designed to help students meaningfully connect course content to life outside the classroom (e.g., other coursework, current events).
An exploration of the psychological and neuroscientific research in music cognition. Students will investigate music and language, musical emotion, neurocognitive processing of music, pitch and time, perception and production, music's psychological function, and evolutionary accounts of music-making.
An examination of child development from a cross-cultural perspective, with a special focus on understanding how cultural norms, psychological research, and power structures impact: clinical and medical practices, parenting/babyhood practices, notions of education/learning/work, and the development of cognitive, “moral,” and social processes. In addition to gaining an understanding of the current state of empirical psychological research on cross-cultural development, students will gain the ability to apply insights about cross-cultural development from anthropology, sociology, and history to the study of psychology. More generally, students will question and critique the development of policies and norms related to children, and will ask questions like: Who gets to decide what “normal,” “healthy,” and “good” childhood environments look like? In what ways do powerful individuals and institutions police, restrict, and limit child development? What are the consequences for violating cultural norms during development, and can we seek justice for those who have been wronged? In this way, students apply what they have learned about cross-cultural development to critical questions of power and justice in contemporary America.
Current theories surrounding how humans learn their first language. The primary focus is on typically developing children during the first few years of life. Topics span from how infants learn to recognize the sounds in their language to how they come to understand and produce sentences.
All humans have bodies -- it’s difficult to imagine human existence in the absence of a body. This class focuses on understanding how the properties of our bodies shape our identities. In other words: in what ways do our bodies make us who we are? This course will address the roles of skin, muscle, genitalia, DNA, fat, limbs, and brain in constructing our many identities. We will learn about philosophical, psychological, and theoretical perspectives on the relationship between bodies and identities. By focusing on bodies in transition (i.e. bodies that are intentionally or unintentionally changed), we will interrogate the question: when and how do the properties of our bodies impact our identities? We will also ask about the intersection of power, identities, and bodies in contemporary America: how do systems of power and oppression shape the ways that we view and psychologically study ourselves and our bodies? Given that there is systematic body-and identity-based oppression, what does justice look like from a practical, psychological, and scientific perspective?
A course that introduces students to the field of psychometrics, or the quantification of psychological phenomena. Material will address the history, theory, administration, and interpretation of psychological tests. Covering principles of test construction, reliability, validity, and item analysis, students will learn to evaluate various psychological assessments with a focus on the statistical properties of these measures. Course content has widespread implications for psychological science and practice. The course is designed to make visible that psychometrics is more complicated, more important, and more interesting of a discipline than students of psychology typically realize.
A discussion based study of hemispheric specialization for cognitive functioning (including perception, attention, memory, creativity, emotional processing, and language) from a cognitive neuroscience perspective. Drawing on experimental psychology, neuroscience, neuropsychology, brain imaging, and computer modeling, students will study the gap between biological processes of the central nervous system and the processes of the mind.
A topical seminar, lab, or discussion group that may be offered as an extension to a particular course in psychology or as a free-standing experience (e.g., a film series with focus on contemporary psychological issues). Discussion may focus on additional topics as a follow-up from a previous learning experience or may provide exploration of a new topic not covered in a traditional departmental offering. The frequency with which the seminar meets will vary depending on the goal of the seminar. When offered as an extension to another course, the combined credits may not exceed 5 credits.
An exploration of how sub-disciplines of psychology approach scientific problems from different perspectives and how careful analysis of topics at the intersection of multiple research areas can generate compelling new questions. This special topics course examines areas of overlap and/or disagreement across different psychological sub-disciplines/theoretical orientations/ methodological perspectives and is co-taught by two professors. Faculty will model the ways in which scholars can work together (and even disagree!) productively, and how intellectual collaboration is often the engine of scientific discovery. The frequency with which the seminar meets (i.e., once a week for the full semester or twice a week for half the semester) will vary depending on the goals of the seminar.
Have you ever wanted to reexamine a psychological topic in light of all that you have learned across courses, disciplines, and life experiences since arriving at Skidmore? Have you ever considered how psychological knowledge might change if research studies were more inclusive of historically underrepresented groups? Have you ever thought about how we can improve on experimental methodology, theory generation, and ethics in psychological science? Have you ever wondered what it might be like to teach a college-level psychology course? This course will provide an opportunity to engage with all of these questions and will serve as a “coda” to your psychology major at Skidmore.
A directed study in a specialized topic. Each student will work with an individual faculty member to develop a plan of study (i.e., establishing goals, selecting readings, and designing assignments).
An intensive research experience in a particular laboratory or field setting, emphasizing further development of research skills within a particular area psychological inquiry. Each student will work with an individual faculty member on various aspects of the research process including the design and the implementation of a research project, data analyses and interpretation, and scientific writing.
Students will work with an individual faculty member to develop a major research project. This development will include the conceptualization of a topic, review of the scientific literature, the learning of any necessary research techniques, the execution of any preliminary research, and the submission of a written research proposal to the faculty supervisor. Each student will make an oral presentation of the proposal to other senior thesis students as well as the psychology faculty at the end of the semester. Students will also attend weekly one-hour seminar meetings to discuss with the faculty member coordinating the program as well as other student participants the design of their research project. Discussion topics will include preparation of materials for the Institutional Review Board, students' perspectives on their literature reviews, discussion of writing and revising, and preparation for thesis proposal defenses.
Students will work with an individual faculty member to complete a major research project developed in Senior Research Project I. A final project will be submitted in thesis form to the faculty supervisor as well as the faculty research coordinator for the program. This final project must be submitted at least two weeks before the end of the term. Students are also expected to present their research findings to the Psychology faculty and student participants in the program. In preparation for the completion of this thesis work, students will also attend weekly one-hour seminar meetings to discuss issues related to their research (e.g., problems in data collection, options for data analysis, etc.), to critique one another's thesis drafts, and to prepare for formal presentations at the end of the semester.
Students work with course instructor to complete a major, written project. The project can be a synthesis of the literature in a particular topic area of psychology, or an original theoretical formulation. The final project should demonstrate a conceptual integration of the material, and should demonstrate both originality and independence of work. In addition to the written project, each student will make an oral presentation summarizing the project. The written version of the project will be submitted at least two weeks before the end of the fall semester.
Professional experience at the advanced level for juniors and seniors. This experience may include work-study projects in one of several professional settings, including mental hospitals, nursing homes, schools, developmental centers, advertising agencies, laboratories, and communication agencies.