Management & Business (MB)
A broadly based introduction to the field of business that can serve either as the first course in the departmental sequence or as an only course for a student desiring an overview of business and organization management. Topics include strategy, accounting and finance, industry and environmental analysis, company/internal analysis, marketing, ethics, social responsibility, sustainability, and work team dynamics. Students present individual written analyses and engage in group oral presentations. This course covers the following dimensions for studying management and business in context: I, II, III, IV, V, VI.
A comprehensive assessment of marketing's dynamic role in contemporary global society. The course emphasizes the development of marketing strategies which reflect domestic and cross-national competitive structures and diverse marketplace realities. Topics include consumer analyses, target market identification, positioning, e-commerce, ethics, sustainability, and coordination of marketing mix-elements. This course covers the following dimensions for studying management and business in context: I, III, V. Prerequisites: MB 107.
The study of human behavior in the organizational context. Students will gain an in-depth understanding of topics in the area of organizational behavior through three levels of analysis (individual, group, and organizational). Topics covered may include: organizational theory; managing diversity; personality, values, and work attitudes; perception; decision making; motivation and goal setting; teamwork; conflict and negotiation; leadership, power, and influence tactics; organizational structure; organizational change; and organizational culture. This course incorporates the following dimensions for studying management and business in context: I, II, III, IV, V, VI. Coverage of the dimensions may vary per instructor.
An introductory course in financial accounting examining the process of accumulating accounting information for decision-makers outside the organization. It introduces the accounting process, reviews the preparation of financial statements, examines the accounting for assets and liabilities, and concludes with an examination of accounting for corporations. The course focuses on the interpretation and effective use of financial statements and other financial data.
Effective use and interpretation of financial information. Students examine the use of accounting information by managers for planning, control, decision-making and strategy development. Students learn key management accounting concepts and techniques specific to manufacturing and service entities. Topics include cost systems (history of traditional costing systems and evolution of new costing systems), budgeting strategies and techniques, performance evaluation, and responsibility accounting. This course covers the following dimensions for studying management and business in context: I, V.
An exploration of the basic tenets of how to be a successful leader. The course has a significant fieldwork component as students will serve as a coach for other students working on the MB 107 Executive Presentation. Through this fieldwork, students will practice and hone the leadership skills learned in class. Coaches will build leadership, negotiation, conflict resolution, and team-building skills, learn the value of diversity in the workplace and how to manage through difference, and apply discipline-specific knowledge in this service learning experience.
An exploration of issues of power and justice in political marketing in the United States, starting with the Suffragists movement in 1848 leading all the way till the 2020 presidential elections. This course facilitates an investigation of the interplay of gender hierarchies, power structures, justice, diversity and intersectionality within contemporary political campaigns in modern day America. An in-depth and nuanced perspective accompanied by various multimedia resources, helps students understand how the role of gender stereotypes and biases, issues of racism, ageism, fattism, homophobia, transphobia and xenophobia in a political campaign and beyond. In addition, students will engage with civic issues grounded in matters regarding gender and intersectionality by learning about and working with organizations, or working with civic leaders in local, state or national offices, or by writing letters to the editors or their elected officials.
Professional experience at an intermediate level for students with foundational knowledge in business. With faculty sponsorship and department approval, students may extend their educational experience into areas of business related to their academic course work.
Professional experience at an intermediate level for students with foundational knowledge in business. With faculty sponsorship and department approval, students may extend their educational experience into areas of business related to their academic course work.
A review of the various methods of cost accumulation for product costing and the analysis of cost data for planning and control. The course focuses on management systems and emphasizes the application of management accounting concepts and principles to decision making. This course integrates the following dimensions for studying management and business in context: II, VI.
An analysis of the political, social, legal, economic, competitive, technological, and cultural environments of international business. Students focus on the challenges facing international enterprises operating in these dynamic and often ambiguous environments. Topics include: competitions in global markets, organizational structure and control, transferability of management theories in a cross-cultural context, fundamentals of trade theory, global institutions and interdependencies, and the ethical, social, and ecological responsibilities of enterprises in a global context. This course covers the following dimensions for studying management and business in context: I, III, V, VI.
Examines the generally accepted accounting principles related to the preparation of financial statements, with particular emphasis on balance sheet valuations and their relationship to income determination. The course also examines the concept of time-value of money; the application of present value techniques to accounting valuations, and the valuation and disclosure problems associated with cash, temporary investments, receivables, inventories, plant assets, intangible assets, and long-term investments.
Advanced course continuing the study of financial accounting begun in MB 307. Students will analyze the problems arising in the application of accounting theory to specific business situations. Students will explore financial reporting and disclosure topics, including inter-corporate investments, equity and debt financing, leases and pensions. Students will also address problems in income determination and reporting, including income tax allocation and earnings per share. Students will gain an understanding of financial statements and the financial data underlying financial reporting, and will focus on how financial information is used for decision making.
An examination of the history, operations, and functions of American and international companies and institutions in the banking and financial services industry. Special emphasis is placed on how major strategic decisions are made in commercial banks and investment banks. Aside from investigating the mechanics of various financial products and markets, such as money markets, Treasury bonds, junk bonds, stocks, derivatives, ETFs, and insurance policies, students will also critically analyze several major financial crises in history and the role of financial regulations. This course covers the following dimensions for studying management and business in context: I, III, VI.
The study of the evolution of work (specifically paid employment) from the early industrial age to the contemporary workplace with a focus on work’s historical emergence and ongoing developments in the U.S. We will pay special attention to the issues of injustice and inequalities in the workplace emerging from political, economic, cultural and social changes. Work is viewed here not only as a product of the marketplace but also as a social and cultural phenomenon. We will also consider how industrialization significantly reshaped what working in the United States looks like and how the more recent trends in work arrangements have intensified issues of injustice and inequalities in the contemporary workplace in the United States.
An exploration of issues, theories, and research findings focusing on the implications of social identity and categorization in the workplace. Topics include perceptual processes, stereotyping, in-group and out-group dynamics, demographic fault lines, work group processes, and business policy. This course covers the following dimensions for studying management and business in context: I, III, VI.
An examination of the psychological, sociological, and anthropological theories related to consumer decision-making. With the goal of understanding of consumer behavior, motivation, memory, cognition, attitude formation and change, persuasion, learning, and value systems of cultures and subcultures. This course covers the following dimensions for studying management and business in context: I, III.
The development of alternative concepts, models, and theories of organizing as a basis for determining strategy and structure in both domestic and international organizations. The course provides the application of theory to organizations in the public, private, and not-for-profit sectors.
An integration of traditional theories of leadership with contemporary approaches to group dynamics in order to provide a framework for the leadership roles encountered in modern organizations, both public and private enterprise. Students assess their personal strengths and challenges as leaders. There is also a required practicum, which provides an opportunity to apply theory and to further develop and practice leadership skills. This course covers the following dimensions for studying management and business in context: I, III.
Examines the influence of research on strategic and tactical decisions in marketing and business. Topics include the overview of research design, the use of the Internet in marketing research, the application of research in creating promotions and brands, ethical and global challenges in research.
An introduction to the management of data-driven business in the modern era. Using managerial and technological perspectives, students will explore a wide range of technical, administrative, strategic and financial issues regarding electronic commerce and managing related information systems in large organizations, small enterprise and government. Students will analyze e-commerce business models, concepts, strategies, security frameworks, knowledge management systems and marketing methods while considering related IT architectures and infrastructures in business enterprise. Topics include global e-commerce and logistics, mobile technology, data mining and applications of business intelligence. This course covers the following dimensions for studying management and business in context: I, II, VI.
An exploration of the tools and strategies necessary to start and manage a business from the financial perspective. Entrepreneurial Finance examines the elements of entrepreneurial finance, focusing on the early stages of company development. The course addresses key questions that challenge all entrepreneurs: when to use sweat equity or bootstrapping instead of raising money; how much money can and should be raised; when should it be raised and from whom; what are typical sources of capital and how do they make investment decisions; what is a reasonable valuation; how to construct a capitalization table; typical term sheet terms and how and when to negotiate them; and how should funding, employment contracts and exit decisions be structured. In addition, the course includes an in-depth analysis of the structure of angel investments funds, venture capital funds and the private equity industry.
A study of the origin of laws, philosophy of law and related ethical issues, and the court system and its legal procedures with emphasis on their impact in business and economic situations. Specific topics, which will be studied using a modified Socratic method and examination and briefing of case law, include contracts, agency, LLCs, corporations and partnerships. This course covers the following dimensions for studying management and business in context: I, VI.
A study of law and regulation relating to contemporary business issues in areas including artificial intelligence, the gig economy, the rise of Uber, employment, the environment, intellectual property, real property ownership and use and related national and international issues that may arise. We will use a modified Socratic method as well as the examination and briefing of case law to explore the complex legal and ethical relationships between business, national governments, global institutions and the natural environment. The course covers the following dimensions for studying management and business in context: I. History, Philosophy and Ethics of Management and Business; III. Culture and Global Awareness; V. Natural Environment and Sustainability; VI. Government and Politics.
An examination of the efforts and struggles of U.S. organizations to become more diverse by including a range of diverse social identity groups along gender, race, ethnic, religious and other dimensions. Focuses on the need for organizations to confront legacies of exclusion while simultaneously facing demands for recognition and inclusion from systematically disadvantaged groups. Students work with theoretical approaches that directly engage with power and justice and on a hands-on action research project looking at organizational culture and workplace diversity related conflicts.
An examination of advertising and promotion principles from an integrated marketing communication perspective, emphasizing the planning, design, and implementation of advertising campaigns. Topics include consumer and market analysis, creative strategy, media selection, promotional budgeting, campaign evaluation, and agency relations. The course covers the following dimensions for studying management and business in context: II, IV.
An examination of the fundamentals of business finance as influenced by political, cultural, economic, and physical environmental forces. Attention is given to the implications of entrepreneurial and international activities on financial activities. Students study the implications of entrepreneurial and international activities on financial decisions. Topics include an overview of the financial environment including investments, capital markets and institutions, corporate financial theory, asset pricing, financial analysis and planning, corporate capital structure and costs, and corporate investment decisions. This course covers the following dimensions for studying management and business in context: I, VI.
An investigation of the concepts of security analysis and valuation and of the fundamentals of market analysis. Students will study securities and security markets, risk-return characteristics of investment types, and investment strategies including the use of convertible securities and options. This course covers the following dimension for studying management and business in context: I, II, VI.
An overview of the latest developments in the theory and practice of sustainable and responsible finance. Students will develop an understanding of the challenges and opportunities of environmental, social and governance (ESG) issues facing businesses and investors, and of how they can address these challenges through sustainable investing. This course covers the following dimensions for studying management and business in context: I., II, and VI. 3 credit hours.
A globally oriented, interdisciplinary study of intellectual property (e.g., copyrights and patents) as fundamental business assets that drive innovation and influence international trade and social issues such as: economic development, agriculture, healthcare, the environment, education, and the advancement of knowledge and art in modern society. Students will learn to formulate arguments regarding underlying economic, legal, and social policies and to challenge policymakers' assumptions at the intersection of international business, economics, law, and social policy. This course covers the following dimensions for studying management and business in context: I, II, III, IV, V, VI.
An examination of the influence of cultural, political, legal, technological, socioeconomic, and physical environments on international marketing decisions in the modern US and abroad. The course discusses ethical alternatives by taking broader view on business that embraces justice, equality and the well-being of society in US and abroad. Students engage in many applied activities in this course.
An extension of MB 338 to the financial management of corporations in the global environment. Student will study the role of multinational industrial corporations in world trade and explore international capital markets and institutions, international financial analysis and planning, international debt and equity financing, international corporate investment decisions, the influence of foreign currency on finance decisions, and the relationship between business development and the global physical environment. This course covers the following dimensions for studying management and business in context: II, III, VI.
A foundation for understanding and managing in a multicultural environment and workplace. Through studying similarities and differences among managers, management practices, and organizations in different countries and regions, students will develop an understanding of the significant issues facing multinational corporations in their management of international operations. Throughout the course, the impact of culture will be examined on micro- and macro-organizational issues, including employee motivation, communication, negotiation, decision-making, multinational teams, as well as firm strategies. This course covers the following dimensions for studying management and business in context: I, II, III, IV, V, VI.
A capstone course designed to afford senior majors an integrative view of the functional areas of business while developing critical analytic and strategic thinking skills. Students master frameworks and tools to perform in-depth analyses of organizations, industries, and competitors; create value; achieve strategic goals; and sustain competitive advantage. Primarily taught through case analysis and readings, the course includes a team-based competitive computer simulation in which students run their own companies. Through rigorous written analyses, the course partially fulfills the writing requirement for the Management and Business major. This course fulfills the senior coda requirement. This course covers the following dimensions for studying management and business in context: I, II, III, IV, V, VI.
An exploration the many dimensions of new venture creation and creation and growth. The course focuses on the formulation and implementation issues that relate to conceptualizing, developing, funding and managing successful new enterprises. Using case discussion methodology combined with presentations by guest entrepreneurs, the course applies concepts and techniques from the functional areas of finance, accounting, marketing, organizational behavior and strategy to the pursuit of value creation. The course culminates in the writing and presentation of business plans. It covers the following dimensions for studying management and business in context: I, II, III, IV, V, VI.
Advanced and special topics in business that reflect areas of current relevance. This course allows the student to study in depth an area only briefly covered in the regular curriculum or to study an advanced, currently relevant topic that would not normally be covered in the regular course offerings. Topics will vary from semester to semester.
An interdisciplinary approach to an understanding of business in American society including a study of ethical obligations to employees, consumers, stockholders and others. Students explore the role of national business in a global economy, of the obligations of business to the natural environment and of corporate responsibility to local, national and international communities. Emphasis will be on the application of ethics to actual business situations including a service learning project. Readings incorporate philosophy, government, environmental and social issues, in addition to using case studies. This course covers the following dimensions for studying management and business in context: I, II, III, IV, V, VI.
Explores the history, theory, and practice of human resource management (HRM). The course focuses on thinking systematically, strategically, and ethically about managing employees. Students examine the importance of recruitment, selection, diversity, job design, performance appraisals, training, and compensation to both the worker and the organization. This course covers the following dimensions for studying management and business in context: I, III, VI.
Advanced seminar and practicum focusing on the process and practice of strategic consulting. Student consultants partner with the extended Saratoga community through the course's Skidmore-Saratoga Consulting Partnership (SSCP) to provide pro bono consulting services. Working in teams, students apply their academic training and knowledge to identify and tackle critical business issues and recommend strategic opportunities, helping area for-profit and not-for-profit clients achieve their goals. The final deliverables of MB 360 include a formal consulting report and presentation to the client. This course covers the following dimensions for studying management and business in context: I, II, III, IV, V, VI.
Research or special project in management and business. Independent study provides an opportunity for a student already well grounded in an area to pursue an interest which falls outside the domain of courses offered by the department. The student should carefully define a semester's work that complements his or her background, initiate a proposal with a study sponsor, and obtain formal approval from the student's sponsor and the department chair. Application to do such work in any semester should be made and approved prior to registration for that semester. This course may or may not count as one of the 300-level required electives for the major or for liberal arts credit, depending on consultation with the department chair and the registrar (and, in exceptional instances, the Curriculum Committee of the college).
Required seminar for students planning to write a thesis in the department. Students learn about conducting research, develop their research question, derive hypotheses, and select appropriate research methodologies. Students must complete a thesis proposal that is approved by the department and the student's thesis advisor.
Students implement the thesis proposal: collect and analyze data; identify results; and project their implications for management theory, practice, and future research. The seminar prepares students for writing the final document and for the oral presentation to the department.
Professional experience at an advanced level for juniors and seniors with substantial academic experience in business. With faculty sponsorship and department approval, students may extend their educational experience into areas of business related to their academic course work.