Department Overview
Chemistry, the scientific investigation of the composition of matter and its transformations, is at the heart of scientific and technical inquiry. Indeed, knowledge of chemistry is essential to address current issues facing our world such as the need for renewable energy sources, global warming, genomics, stem cell research, and food production. Training in chemistry at Skidmore College prepares students for a wide variety of careers, graduate studies, or healthcare professional schools (medical, dental, veterinary).
The department offers both a major and a minor in chemistry, and a major in chemistry with a biochemistry concentration. The requirements are listed below.
Chemistry faculty strongly encourage those majors who plan to pursue Ph.D. studies in chemistry or biochemistry to obtain significant research experience through the research courses, and/or summer research experiences at Skidmore or through other programs. Two semesters of 300-level research or equivalent are required for Departmental Honors.
Students who major in chemistry and plan to attend a professional school (medical, dental, veterinary) are encouraged to take biology (BI 107 Mol Cell Found of Life and BI 108 Organismal Biology). See Health Professions.
Senior Coda in Chemistry: Chemistry majors can fulfill the Senior Experience Coda general education requirement by completing both semesters of Senior Seminar in Chemistry and Biochemistry (2 credits total, 1 credit CH 377 Fall and 1 credit CH 378 Spring) and one of these options during their senior year:
- CH 343 Experimental Biochemistry Laboratory (2 credits)
- CH 355 Peer-Tutoring in Chemistry Laboratory (2 credits)
- CH 371 Capstone in Chemistry: Student-Faculty Collaborative Research (3 credits)
- CH 375 Literature Investigations in Chemistry (3 credits)
- CH 385 Senior Thesis in Chemistry (4 credits)
- CH 399 Professional Internship in Chemistry (3 or 6 credits)
Chair of the Department of Chemistry: Lia Ball
Associate Chair of the Department of Chemistry: Steven T. Frey
Professors: Kimberley A. Frederick, Raymond J. Giguere
Associate Professor: K. Aurelia Ball, Steven T. Frey, Juan Navea, Kelly Sheppard
Assistant Professors: Madushi Raththagala
Senior Teaching Professor: William Kennerly, Maryuri Roca
Senior Instructor: Beatrice Kendall, Cynthia K. Sood
Instrumentation Manager: Lisa M. Quimby
Chemistry B.A.
Fulfill the General College Requirements
Complete the Following:
Code | Title | Hours |
Core Curriculum | ||
CH 125 | Principles of Chemistry | 4 |
CH 221 | Organic Chemistry I | 5 |
CH 222 | Organic Chemistry II | 5 |
CH 214 | Inorganic Compounds and Materials | 5 |
or CH 314 | Inorganic Chemistry With Lab | |
CH 232 | Analytical Methods in Chemistry | 5 |
CH 332 | Chemical Thermodynamics and Kinetics with Lab | 5 |
CH 333 | Quantum Chemistry and Spectroscopy with Lab | 5 |
CH 377 | Senior Seminar In Chemistry and Biochemistry | 1 |
CH 378 | Senior Seminar in Chemistry and Biochemistry | 1 |
Select three additional Chemistry courses at the 300-level 1 | 9 | |
MA 113 | Calculus II (or above) 2 | 4 |
PY 130 | Introductory Physics I with Laboratory: Forces and Energy | 4 |
PY 140 | Introductory Physics II with Laboratory: Electrodynamics | 4 |
Total Hours | 57 |
Note: for American Chemical Society certification of this major, students must select CH 341 Biochemistry: Macromolecular Structure and Function with Lab as one of their 300-level electives. Students also need to select CH 371 Capstone in Chemistry: Student-Faculty Collaborative Research as a second elective and complete a comprehensive written report of the research, or alternatively take an additional 64 hours of laboratory course work in chemistry or a related field.
- 1
Totaling together at least nine credits. At least two of the three 300-electives must be courses other than CH 371 Capstone in Chemistry: Student-Faculty Collaborative Research, CH 385 Senior Thesis in Chemistry and CH 399 Professional Internship in Chemistry
- 2
A minimum of one mathematics course: MA 113 Calculus II or above (course with MA 113 Calculus II prerequisite)
The Chemistry Major with Biochemistry Concentration
Students choosing the biochemistry concentration within the chemistry major are required to:
Fulfill the General College Requirements
Complete the Following:
Code | Title | Hours |
Core Curriculum | ||
CH 125 | Principles of Chemistry | 4 |
CH 221 | Organic Chemistry I | 5 |
CH 222 | Organic Chemistry II | 5 |
CH 330 | Chemical Thermodynamics and Kinetics | 3 |
or CH 332 | Chemical Thermodynamics and Kinetics with Lab | |
CH 341 | Biochemistry: Macromolecular Structure and Function with Lab | 5 |
CH 342 | Biochemistry: Intermediary Metabolism | 3 |
CH 343 | Experimental Biochemistry Laboratory | 2 |
CH 377 | Senior Seminar In Chemistry and Biochemistry | 1 |
CH 378 | Senior Seminar in Chemistry and Biochemistry | 1 |
Select two electives of the following: 1 | 6 | |
Biostatistics | ||
Mammalian Physiology | ||
Microbial Genetics | ||
Biological Electron Microscopy | ||
Plant Biochemistry and Physiology | ||
Plant Biotechnology | ||
Neurodevelopment | ||
Frontiers in Molecular Neuroscience | ||
Endocrinology | ||
Biological Clocks | ||
Topics in Biology (when a Biomolecular Topic) | ||
Topics in Biology with Lab (when a Biomolecular Topic) | ||
Genome Biology: Chromatin Structure, Function and Epigenetic Regulation | ||
Biology of Viruses | ||
Bacterial Pathogenesis: A Molecular Approach | ||
RNA Metabolism | ||
Advanced Light Microscopy | ||
Inorganic Compounds and Materials | ||
Analytical Methods in Chemistry | ||
Topics in Chemistry | ||
Polymer Chemistry | ||
Inorganic Chemistry With Lab | ||
Advanced Organic Chemistry | ||
Quantum Chemistry and Spectroscopy | ||
Special Topics in Chemistry | ||
Special Topics in Biochemistry | ||
Topics in Environmental Chemistry | ||
Capstone in Chemistry: Student-Faculty Collaborative Research | ||
Professional Internship in Chemistry | ||
Cellular Aspects of Skeletal Muscle Physiology and Metabolism | ||
HP 361 | (when a Biomolecular Topic) | |
Advanced Topics in Neuroscience (when a Biomolecular Topic) | ||
Mapping the Cerebellum: Structure, Connectivity & Bioinformatics | ||
Mechanisms of Alzheimer's Disease | ||
Additional Requirements | ||
Select one of the following: | 8 | |
BI 105 | (and BI 106) | |
Molecular and Cellular Foundations of Life and Organismal Biology | ||
Select one of the following: | 4 | |
Molecular Cell Biology | ||
Comparative Vertebrate Physiology | ||
Principles of Genetics | ||
General Microbiology | ||
Cell Biology | ||
Topics in Biology with Lab (when a Biomolecular topic; Immunology; Comparative Plant Physiology) | ||
Cellular and Molecular Neuroscience | ||
Neurophysiology | ||
Calculus II (or above) 2 | ||
Introductory Physics I with Laboratory: Forces and Energy | ||
Introductory Physics II with Laboratory: Electrodynamics | ||
Total Hours | 47 |
Note: for American Chemical Society certification of this major, students must also take CH 232 Analytical Methods in Chemistry, CH 314 Inorganic Chemistry With Lab, and an additional chemistry elective. Students must also take CH 371 Capstone in Chemistry: Student-Faculty Collaborative Research and complete a comprehensive written report of the research, and complete an additional 4 hours of laboratory work either through research or additional course work (the lab hours for CH 332 Chemical Thermodynamics and Kinetics with Lab or CH 333 Quantum Chemistry and Spectroscopy with Lab will fulfill these additional hours).
- 1
Minimum of six credits in total. One of the two elective courses must be at the 300-level and one must be a CH listed course. If CH 330 Chemical Thermodynamics and Kinetics is taken, the CH elective must include a laboratory. One of the two electives must be a course other than CH 371 Capstone in Chemistry: Student-Faculty Collaborative Research, CH 385 Senior Thesis in Chemistry, and CH 399 Professional Internship in Chemistry
- 2
A minimum of one Mathematics course: MA 113 Calculus II or above (course with MA 113 Calculus II prerequisite)
Writing in the Major Requirement
For both the chemistry major and the chemistry major (with biochemistry concentration) students are required to communicate scientific ideas (written and oral) in a manner that meets international chemistry standards. Professional chemists give oral presentations, prepare written reports, submit grant proposals and publish results in scholarly journals. In fulfilling the writing requirement in the major, students will learn to:
- write about scientific observations and conclusions in the style and format of an experienced chemist;
- maintain a properly written laboratory notebook;
- write formal laboratory reports in the format and style of a paper in a scholarly chemistry journal.
Chemistry majors will complete the requirements for Writing in the Major upon the successful completion of the following Writing-Enhanced courses:
Code | Title | Hours |
CH 125 | Principles of Chemistry | 4 |
CH 222 | Organic Chemistry II | 5 |
CH 333 | Quantum Chemistry and Spectroscopy with Lab | 5 |
or CH 341 | Biochemistry: Macromolecular Structure and Function with Lab |
American Chemical Society certification is available for both of the above courses of study. Interested students should consult the department chair concerning any additional requirements. Students considering graduate school are also encouraged to take chemistry electives beyond the requirements for the major and should consult their faculty mentors for advice.
Chemistry Minor
Students who wish to minor in Chemistry are required to complete:
Code | Title | Hours |
CH 125 | Principles of Chemistry | 4 |
or CH 126 | Principles of Chemistry | |
Select five additional chemistry courses at the 200 and/or 300 level 1,2 |
- 1
A minimum of twelve credits total out of which at least six credits should be at the 300 level
- 2
Notes: CH 271 Intermediate Chemical Research, CH 377 Senior Seminar In Chemistry and Biochemistry and CH 378 Senior Seminar in Chemistry and Biochemistry do not count towards the minor. Only one of the following courses: CH 299 Professional Internship in Chemistry, CH 371 Capstone in Chemistry: Student-Faculty Collaborative Research, CH 385 Senior Thesis in Chemistry, and CH 399 Professional Internship in Chemistry may count towards the minor.
To be recommended for departmental honors, a student must maintain a 3.0 GPA overall and a 3.5 GPA in the major. Students must complete a research project in two semesters of 300-level research or equivalent, submit an honors thesis to be read by the faculty mentor and a second reader, and give an oral presentation of the research to the department. In order for a student to stand for honors, the advisor and second reader must assess the thesis to be excellent and of honors caliber. The department will consider the recommendations of the advisor and second reader in addition to the oral presentation and overall record of the student in the determination of honors.
A study of the chemical makeup of food and nutrients, and their biochemical functions. Different food processing techniques and their effects on the chemical, physical, and biological properties of food will be discussed. The chemical basis of flavor, composition of some common flavor ingredients, and the role of flavor in nutrient assimilation will be explored.
A study of fundamental chemical principles as they relate to environmental issues such as air pollution, acid rain, global warming, destruction of the ozone layer, the production and consumption of energy, and water pollution. A basic understanding of chemical principles and practices is necessary to fully appreciate the scope and complexity of current global environmental issues. Specific examples of international environmental problems are presented as case studies to reinforce the course material. Chemical concepts such as atomic structure, bonding, themodynamics, nuclear chemistry, and chemical reactivity are introduced as they pertain to particular environmental issues.
A study of fundamental chemical principles as they relate to environmental issues such as air pollution, acid rain, global warming, destruction of the ozone layer, the production and consumption of energy, and water pollution. A basic understanding of chemical principles and practices is necessary to fully appreciate the scope and complexity of current global environmental issues. Specific examples of international environmental problems are presented as case studies to reinforce the course material. Chemical concepts such as atomic structure, bonding, thermodynamics, nuclear chemistry, and chemical reactivity are introduced as they pertain to particular environmental issues. Laboratory exercises that relate to the environmental issues presented in lectures serve to reinforce students' understanding of the underlying chemical principles.
An Introductory course for students with little to no background in chemistry. Fundamental chemical concepts such as atomic structure, bonding, chemical reactions, and the properties of solids, liquids, and gases are presented. Emphasis is placed on learning the "language of chemistry," achieving the ability to visualize and understand natural processes on an atomic and molecular level, and developing quantitative reasoning and problem solving skills. Laboratory exercises and experiments serve to illustrate concepts presented in the lecture, and reinforce the mathematical skills necessary to investigate chemical systems. This course is appropriate for students preparing to take CH 125 or 126-Principles of Chemistry and for students who seek a one-semester survey of the subject.
An introduction to the fundamental principles of chemistry that provides one of the bases for the in-depth study of natural science disciplines; appropriate for students who intend to major in the natural sciences. Topics include atomic and molecular structure, periodic relationships, properties of gases, kinetics, equilibria, acids and bases, electrochemistry, and thermodynamics. Laboratory experiments serve to illustrate concepts learned in the classroom. In both the classroom and laboratory, emphasis is placed on using quantitative reasoning skills to understand, interpret, and make predictions about chemical systems.
An introduction to the fundamental principles of chemistry that provides one of the bases for the in-depth study of natural science disciplines; appropriate for students who intend to major in the natural sciences. Topics include atomic and molecular structure, periodic relationships, properties of gases, kinetics, equilibria, acids and bases, electrochemistry, and thermodynamics. Laboratory experiments serve to illustrate concepts learned in the classroom. In both the classroom and laboratory, emphasis is placed on using quantitative reasoning skills to understand, interpret, and make predictions about chemical systems.
An introductory exploration of research in the chemical sciences. Each students work in collaboration with a faculty member to develop and demonstrate familiarity with chemical research methods. This experience allows students in the early stages of their careers to sample research methodologies in particular sub-disciplines of chemistry.
Intermediate-level, topic-based, honors courses that offer highly motivated students the opportunity to refine their critical thinking and quantitative problem-solving skills while examining an area of special interest in the field of chemistry. Specific topics may vary from year to year. The topic offered during a given semester is listed in master schedule. Descriptions of the various topics can be found on the Chemistry Department's website.
An intermediate-level examination of inorganic compounds and materials. Topics will include atomic structure, properties and periodicity of the elements, bonding, the structure and properties of solid-state materials, and coordination chemistry. Laboratory experiments will illustrate concepts learned in the classroom and introduce techniques used in the synthesis and characterization of these chemical species.
The structures, physical properties, reactivity, and reaction mechanisms of aliphatic and aromatic hydrocarbons are investigated. The lab introduces the student to synthesis, purification, and chemical and spectroscopic methods of characterizing organic compounds.
The structure, physical properties, reactivity, and reaction mechanisms of important organic functional groups are investigated. The lab work focuses on structure determination and synthesis projects.
A study of the process of developing analysis methods that yield accurate and precise results. The entire method development process will be interrogated from sampling techniques and statistical treatment of data to the theory and application of modern analytical chemical techniques. The lab includes hands-on experience with many types of modern analytical instrumentation.
Topically organized course based on a subfield of chemistry at the intermediate level. The specific topic examined may differ from year to year. In the laboratory section, students will learn basic methods of experimentation and instrumental analysis specific to the subfield.
An intermediate exploration of laboratory research in the chemical sciences in which students will develop a research project with a faculty member. Students will gain proficiency with standard techniques and protocols of chemical research.
Internship opportunity for students whose curricular foundations and cocurricular experience have prepared them for professional work related to the major field. With faculty sponsorship and departmental approval, students may extend their educational experience into such areas as chemical research, environmental or material science, or chemical engineering.
Introduction to all types of polymers with emphasis on organic polymers. Mechanisms of polymerization reactions, the characterization of products, and the technological application of polymers will be discussed. Additionally, the student will be introduced systematically to the historical and current literature in the field.
A study of the modern theories of atomic structure and chemical bonding as they pertain to inorganic systems. Topics include symmetry and group theory, bonding in ionic, covalent, and metallic substances, acid-base concepts, and coordination chemistry
A study of the modern theories of atomic structure and chemical bonding as they pertain to inorganic systems. Topics include symmetry and group theory, bonding in ionic, covalent, and metallic substances, acid-base concepts, and coordination chemistry.
A study of the advanced synthetic methodology and mechanistic theory of organic chemistry.
A study of the advanced synthetic methodology and mechanistic theory of organic chemistry. Students in the lab learn to work on projects in organic synthesis using modern instrumentation techniques.
The fundamental principles and concepts of equilibrium thermodynamics including entropy, energy, temperature, heat, work, and chemical potential, as well as chemical kinetics. Applications include chemical reactions, phase changes, environmental science, and biochemical systems.
The fundamental principles of quantum mechanics and chemical applications, with particular emphasis on bonding, molecular spectroscopy and structure, and the basics of statistical thermodynamics.
The fundamental principles and concepts of equilibrium thermodynamics including entropy, energy, temperature, heat, work, and chemical potential, as well as chemical kinetics. Applications include chemical reactions, phase changes, environmental science, and biochemical systems. Lab experiments provide opportunities for quantitative experimental investigation of thermodynamic systems, including studies of heat exchange, chemical equilibrium, and phase equilibrium.
The fundamental principles of quantum mechanics and chemical applications, bonding, molecular spectroscopy, and structure, as well as basics of statistical thermodynamics. Lab and computer based experiments provide an opportunity for quantitative experimental investigation of phenomena such as bonding, and spectroscopy.
A study of the organic, physical, and biological chemistry of proteins, carbohydrates, lipids, nucleic acids, and enzymes. Structure-function relationships are explored at the molecular level using structural geometry and chemical reactivity concepts.
A study of the organic, physical, and biological chemistry of proteins, carbohydrates, lipids, nucleic acids, and enzymes. Structure-function relationships are explored at the molecular level using structural geometry and chemical reactivity concepts. The lab includes modern techniques for the purification, characterization, and identification of biomolecules.
Intermediary metabolism, bioenergetics, and the nature of enzyme-catalyzed reactions are discussed.
A project-driven laboratory course to provide advanced training in experimental biochemistry. The course focuses on the isolation, purification, manipulation, and characterization of biological macromolecules, in particular proteins, in an investigative context. Students will be asked to apply previously learned biochemical knowledge and skills to answer an open question in biochemistry while also learning new laboratory techniques. Emphasis is placed on the proper collection, interpretation, synthesis, and presentation of in vitro and in silico results.
A variety of topics at the advanced, available to students with an interest in chemistry. Some examples of topics are atmospheric chemistry, food chemistry and nanotechnology Specific choice of topics will depend on student interest and background. The course may be offered with or without lab.
A variety of topics at the advanced level, available to students with an interest in biochemistry. Specific choice of topics will depend on student interest and background. The course may be offered with or without lab.
An advanced study of selected global, national, and local topics in environmental chemistry. Possible topics include stratospheric ozone cycle, global climate changes, tropospheric smog, acid deposition, nutrient cycling, alkalinity, eutrophication, water treatment, and hazardous wastes.
A course designed to introduce students to techniques of laboratory instruction and management. Students will participate in teaching laboratory sessions of first- and second-year chemistry courses and will receive training in preparation and delivery of pre-lab lectures, interaction with students in a supervisory role, safety issues in laboratory management, and assessment of experimental and written works by students.
An elective course offered to upper level students who are interested in pursuing chemical research. Students work in collaboration with their faculty mentors to learn advanced techniques and protocols specific to their research fields. Each student develops a research project in collaboration with a faculty mentor and gives a formal presentation of their results.
Students prepare an in-depth written report on a current topic in chemistry or biochemistry. The chemical literature is investigated by both traditional methods and modern computer-based techniques. Individual and group conferences throughout the semester, as well as oral presentations are required.
A course designed to help students connect what they've learned in the major to their liberal arts education at Skidmore, issues that are taking place throughout the world, and their plans for the future. Students will take an inventory of the knowledge and skills they have acquired, reflect on how these impact their career goals, and develop relevant materials to help them succeed as they move beyond Skidmore. Discussions will focus on pertinent issues in STEM disciplines including racial and gender inequality, and ethical concerns. Students will also meet with a variety of chemists and biochemists to discuss career paths, and will further develop communication skills by making presentations to both scientific and general audiences.
A course designed to help students connect what they've learned in the major to their liberal arts education at Skidmore, issues that are taking place throughout the world, and their plans for the future. Students will take an inventory of the knowledge and skills they have acquired, reflect on how these impact their career goals, and develop relevant materials to help them succeed as they move beyond Skidmore. Discussions will focus on pertinent issues in STEM disciplines including racial and gender inequality, and ethical concerns. Students will also meet with a variety of chemists and biochemists to discuss career paths, and will further develop communication skills by making presentations to both scientific and general audiences.
An opportunity for Chemistry seniors to engage in chemical research under supervision of a Chemistry faculty member culminating in a senior thesis paper and presentation to the department.
Professional experience at an advanced level for juniors and seniors with substantial academic and cocurricular experience in the major field. With faculty sponsorship and department approval, students may extend their educational experience into such areas as chemical research, environmental or material science, or chemical engineering.