Biologists develop and test scientific models that deepen our understanding of life. The pace with which Biology changes (new knowledge, new methods, and new technology) is matched by the speed and depth of its integration into society. Biological expertise is needed, to an unprecedented degree, to address many of the most pressing challenges associated with living in today's world. Toward that end, our overarching goal, embedded within the framework of a liberal arts education, is to educate Skidmore students in a manner that empowers them to successfully address challenges as they relate to the biological sciences, health professions, industry, environment, and society. The major leads to a bachelor of arts degree.
Students who major in biology and plan to attend professional schools (medical, dental, veterinary, and others) are encouraged to take two semesters of organic chemistry (CH 221 Organic Chemistry I and CH 222 Organic Chemistry II) and two semesters of calculus-based physics (PY 130 Introductory Physics I with Laboratory: Forces and Energy and PY 140 Introductory Physics II with Laboratory: Electrodynamics). See Health Professions.
Chair of the Department of Biology: Patricia Hilleren
Associate Chair of the Department of Biology: Sylvia McDevitt
Professors: Jason Breves, Corey R. Freeman-Gallant, Bernard Possidente
Associate Professors: Jennifer Bonner, Patricia Hilleren, Sylvia McDevitt, Joshua Ness
Assistant Professors: Debamalya Chatterjee, Emily Le Sage
Visiting Assistant Professor: Casey Coomes
Senior Teaching Professor: Erika Schielke
Assistant Teaching Professors: Neha Arora, Ann Showalter, Jeremy Sloane
Microscopy Technology and Research Coordinator: Li (Lily) Kozel
Technical Assistant: Tracy DeRocher
Biology B.A.
Students majoring in biology are required to fulfill the general college requirements and to complete the following (50 minimum credits):
Code | Title | Hours |
Foundation Requirement | ||
BI 107 | Molecular and Cellular Foundations of Life | 4 |
BI 108 | Organismal Biology | 4 |
CH 125 | Principles of Chemistry 1 | 4 |
Concentration Courses | ||
Physiological Systems and Integrative Biology | ||
Select one 200-level course of the following: | 4 | |
Comparative Vertebrate Physiology | ||
General Microbiology | ||
Ecology and Evolution | ||
Select one 200-level course of the following: | 4 | |
Evolution | ||
Ecology | ||
Parasitology, Epidemiology, and Public Health | ||
Cell-& Molecular Biology | ||
Select one 200-level course of the following: | 4 | |
Molecular Cell Biology | ||
Principles of Genetics | ||
Cell Biology | ||
Quantitative Methods | ||
BI 235 | Biostatistics | 4 |
Outside Biology Course | ||
Select one course from the Outside Biology list below 2 | 3-8 | |
Concentration | ||
Select three courses at the 300-level in one of the areas of concentration listed below: 3,4 | 11 | |
Additional Courses | ||
Select one of the following: | 6-10 | |
Select two additional courses from the offerings at the 200 or 300-level in Biology not taken to fulfill a requirement listed above 5 | ||
Two courses at the 200 or 300-level from the list of Outside Biology Courses not taken to fulfill a requirement above | ||
Scientific Communications in the Life Sciences | ||
BI 373 | Scientific Communications in Life Sciences | 3 |
Senior Seminar | ||
BI 374 | Senior Seminar Series in Biology (two semesters) | 2 |
- 1
CH 115 Fundamentals of Chemistry with Lab may be taken in preparation for CH 125 Principles of Chemistry, but it does not count toward the Biology major add in some information
- 2
Note: Please be aware that some of the courses listed have prerequisites. It is your responsibility to ensure those are met prior to enrolling in one of those courses.
- 3
Two of the courses must be with lab
- 4
Note: Topics courses in Biology (BI 351 Topics in Biology and BI 352 Topics in Biology with Lab) will be assigned to one or more of the concentrations above as appropriate.
- 5
Excluding BI 275 Introduction to Biological Research, BI 299 Professional Internship in Biology,BI 371 Independent Study in Biology , BI 375 Advanced Research in Biology, BI 399 Professional Internship in Biology, BI 373 Scientific Communications in Life Sciences, BI 374 Senior Seminar Series in Biology
- 6
Only BI 107 Molecular and Cellular Foundations of Life, BI 108 Organismal Biology, 200 and 300 level BI courses count toward the Biology major and minor GPA.
- 7
The following courses DO NOT count toward the Biology major and minor GPA: BI AP, BI 110, BI 112, BI 115H, BI 120, BI 120H, BI 136, BI 140, BI 149, BI 150, BI 151, BI 152, BI 152H, BI 155, BI 160, BI 165, BI 170, BI 195, BI 299, BI 399.
Outside Biology Courses
Code | Title | Hours |
Course Options | ||
AN 349 | Medical Anthropology | 3 |
AR 136 | Digital Foundations | 4 |
AR 209 | Communication Design I | 4 |
AR 307 | Communication Design II | 4 |
AR 337 | Communication Design III | 4 |
AR 355 | 3D Modeling and Animation | 4 |
CH 214 | Inorganic Compounds and Materials | 5 |
CH 221 | Organic Chemistry I | 5 |
CH 222 | Organic Chemistry II | 5 |
CH 232 | Analytical Methods in Chemistry | 5 |
CH 301 | Polymer Chemistry | 3 |
CH 313 | Inorganic Chemistry | 3 |
CH 314 | Inorganic Chemistry With Lab | 5 |
CH 323 | Advanced Organic Chemistry | 3 |
CH 324 | Advanced Organic Chemistry With Lab | 5 |
CH 330 | Chemical Thermodynamics and Kinetics | 3 |
CH 331 | Quantum Chemistry and Spectroscopy | 3 |
CH 332 | Chemical Thermodynamics and Kinetics with Lab | 5 |
CH 333 | Quantum Chemistry and Spectroscopy with Lab | 5 |
CH 340 | Biochemistry: Macromolecular Structure and Function | 3 |
CH 341 | Biochemistry: Macromolecular Structure and Function with Lab | 5 |
CH 342 | Biochemistry: Intermediary Metabolism | 3 |
CS 206 | Introduction to Computer Science II | 4 |
CS 225 | Applied Data Science | 4 |
CS 230 | Programming Languages | 4 |
CS 305 | Design and Analysis of Algorithms | 4 |
CS 306 | Computability, Complexity, and Heuristics | 4 |
CS 318 | Introduction to Computer Organization | 4 |
CS 322 | Artificial Intelligence | 4 |
CS 225 | Applied Data Science | 4 |
CS 325 | Computer Graphics | 4 |
ES 205 | Ecosystem Science and Analysis of Forested Landscapes | 4 |
ES 206 | Environmental Engineering and the Science of Sustainability | 4 |
ES 308 | Soil and Watershed Science for a Crowded Planet | 4 |
GE 101 | Earth Systems Science with Lab | 4 |
GE 211 | Climatology | 4 |
GE 216 | Sedimentology | 4 |
GE 301 | Hydrogeologic Systems | 4 |
GE 304 | Geomorphology | 4 |
GE 305 | Remote Sensing of the Earth and Environment | 4 |
GE 309 | Field Techniques | 4 |
GE 310 | Paleobiology | 4 |
GE 311 | Paleoclimatology | 3 |
GE 316 | Stratigraphy | 4 |
GE 320 | Global Biogeochemical Cycles | 4 |
HP 126 | Human Anatomy and Physiology I | 4 |
HP 127 | Human Anatomy and Physiology II | 4 |
HP 131 | Introduction to Public Health | 3 |
HP 242 | Principles of Nutrition for Health and Performance | 3 |
HP 311 | Advanced Exercise Physiology | 4 |
ID 210 | Introduction to GIS | 4 |
MA 109 | Calculus with Algebra II | 3 |
MA 111 | Calculus I | 4 |
MA 113 | Calculus II | 4 |
MA 200 | Linear Algebra | 4 |
MA 202 | Calculus III | 4 |
MA 204 | Probability and Statistics | 3 |
MA 211 | Calculus III | 3 |
MA 214 | Theory of Numbers | 3 |
MA 270 | Differential Equations | 4 |
MA 302 | Graph Theory | 3 |
MA 303 | Introduction to Analysis | 4 |
MA 309 | Elements of Modern Geometry | 3 |
MA 310 | History of Mathematics | 3 |
MA 311 | Differential Geometry | 3 |
MA 313 | Introduction to Topology | 3 |
MA 316 | Numerical Algorithms | 3 |
MA 319 | Abstract Algebra I | 4 |
MA 320 | Abstract Algebra II | 3 |
MA 323 | Real Analysis | 3 |
MA 324 | Complex Analysis | 3 |
MA 331 | Dynamical Systems | 3 |
MA 215 | Introduction to Mathematical Reasoning and Proof | 4 |
MA 302 | Graph Theory | 3 |
MA 316 | Numerical Algorithms | 3 |
MS 240 | Applied Regression Analysis | 4 |
NS 101 | Introduction to Neuroscience | 4 |
NS 201 | Cellular and Molecular Neuroscience | 4 |
NS 315 | Mechanisms of Alzheimer's Disease | 3 |
PH 207 | Introduction to Logic | 4 |
PH 211 | Ethics | 3 |
PH 225 | Environmental Philosophy | 3 |
PY 130 | Introductory Physics I with Laboratory: Forces and Energy | 4 |
PY 140 | Introductory Physics II with Laboratory: Electrodynamics | 4 |
PY 210 | Foundations of Modern Physics | 3 |
PY 212 | Optics | 4 |
PY 213 | Electronics | 3 |
PY 221H | Galaxies and Cosmology | 3 |
PY 311 | Thermal and Statistical Physics | 4 |
PY 345 | Mechanics | 4 |
PY 346 | Electricity and Magnetism | 4 |
PY 348 | Quantum Mechanics | 4 |
PS 204 | Educational Psychology | 3 |
PS 205 | Social Psychology | 4 |
PS 206 | Developmental Psychology | 4 |
PS 207 | Introduction to Child Development | 4 |
PS 208 | Adolescent Development | 4 |
PS 209 | Adult Development | 4 |
PS 210 | Personality | 4 |
PS 211 | Applied Psychology | 4 |
PS 213 | Hormones and Behavior | 4 |
PS 214 | Psychological Disorders | 4 |
PS 218 | Cognition | 4 |
PS 219 | Health Psychology | 3 |
PS 221 | Clinical Psychopharmacology | 3 |
PS 223 | Evolutionary Psychology | 4 |
PS 225 | Perception (A & B) | 3 |
PS 231 | Neuropsychology | 4 |
PS 232 | Introduction to Cognitive Science | 3 |
PS 234 | Developmental Disabilities and Autism | 4 |
PS 304 | Research Methods 2: Physiological Psychology | 4 |
PS 305 | Research Methods 2: Cognitive Development (A & B) | 4 |
PS 307 | Advanced Personality | 3 |
PS 313 | Psychology of Gender | 4 |
PS 314 | Psychology of Reading | 3-4 |
PS 315 | Clinical Psychology | 4 |
PS 318H | Advanced Statistics in Psychology | 4 |
PS 320 | Research Methods 2: Social Psychology | 4 |
PS 321 | Motivation and Emotion | 4 |
PS 322 | Positive Psychology | 4 |
PS 323 | Psycholinguistics | 4 |
PS 328 | Seminar in Clinical Psychology: Anxiety and Its Disorders | 3 |
PS 329 | Clinical Psychology Field Experience | 4 |
PS 330 | Research Methods 2: Memory | 4 |
PS 332 | Cross-Cultural & Multicultural Psychology | 4 |
PS 333 | Sleep and Dreams | 4 |
PS 334 | Psychology of Religion | 3 |
PS 335 | Psychology of Race | 4 |
PS 336 | Music Cognition | 4 |
PS 341 | Seminar in Cognitive Neuroscience: Left Brain/Right Brain | 3 |
AN 251 | Themes in Anthropology (C & D) | 1-4 |
AN 252 | Non-Western Themes in Anthropology (C & D) | 1-4 |
AN 351 | Topics in Cultural Anthropology (C & D) | 1-4 |
AN 352 | Topics in Archeology (C & D) | 1-4 |
Topics Courses 1 | ||
CH 351 | Special Topics in Chemistry | 3 |
CH 352 | Special Topics in Biochemistry | 3 |
CH 353 | Topics in Environmental Chemistry | 3 |
CS 276 | Selected Topics in Computer Science | 3 |
CS 376 | Advanced Topics In Computer Science | 3 |
ES 252 | Topics in Environmental Studies (C & D) | 1-4 |
ES 352 | Advanced Topics in Environmental Studies and Sciences (C & D) | 1-4 |
GE 251 | Special Topics in Geosciences (C & D) | 1-4 |
GE 351 | Advanced Topics in Geology (C & D) | 1-3 |
MA 251 | Selected Topics in Mathematics | 1-4 |
NS 212 | Topics in Neuroscience | 4 |
NS 312 | Advanced Topics in Neuroscience | 4 |
PY 251 | Special Topics in Physics (C & D) | 1-4 |
PY 351 | Advanced Topics in Physics (C & D) | 1-4 |
PS 212 | Themes in Contemporary Psychology (A & B) | 3-4 |
PS 312 | Adv Sem Major Issues (A & B) | 3,4 |
- 1
Might be used with prior approval of the department.
Areas of Concentration in Biology
Biomedical Science
Code | Title | Hours |
BI 306 | Mammalian Physiology | 4 |
BI 309 | Microbial Genetics | 4 |
BI 341 | Neurodevelopment | 4 |
BI 342 | Frontiers in Molecular Neuroscience | 3 |
BI 343 | Endocrinology | 3 |
BI 344 | Biological Clocks | 4 |
BI 345 | Human Genetics | 4 |
BI 346 | Cannabis sativa | 4 |
BI 351 | Topics in Biology (when applicable) | 3 |
BI 352 | Topics in Biology with Lab (when applicable) | 4 |
BI 361 | Biology of Viruses | 3 |
BI 362 | Bacterial Pathogenesis: A Molecular Approach | 3 |
Cell and Molecular Biology
Code | Title | Hours |
BI 309 | Microbial Genetics | 4 |
BI 306 | Mammalian Physiology | 4 |
BI 311 | Biological Electron Microscopy | 4 |
BI 336 | Plant Biology | 3 |
BI 337 | Plant Biochemistry and Physiology | 4 |
BI 338 | Plant Biotechnology | 4 |
BI 341 | Neurodevelopment | 4 |
BI 342 | Frontiers in Molecular Neuroscience | 3 |
BI 346 | Cannabis sativa | 4 |
BI 351 | Topics in Biology (when applicable) | 3 |
BI 352 | Topics in Biology with Lab (when applicable) | 4 |
BI 360 | Genome Biology: Chromatin Structure, Function and Epigenetic Regulation | 3 |
BI 361 | Biology of Viruses | 3 |
BI 362 | Bacterial Pathogenesis: A Molecular Approach | 3 |
BI 363 | RNA Metabolism | 3 |
BI 368 | Advanced Light Microscopy | 4 |
Ecology, Evolution and Behavior
Code | Title | Hours |
BI 302 | Behavioral Ecology | 3 |
BI 307 | Ornithology | 4 |
BI 316 | Animal Behavior | 4 |
BI 324 | 4 | |
BI 325 | Tropical Ecology | 3 |
BI 327 | Conservation Ecology | 3 |
BI 328 | Global Change Biology | 3 |
BI 336 | Plant Biology | 3 |
BI 339 | Plant-Animal Interactions | 4 |
BI 351 | Topics in Biology (when applicable) | 3 |
BI 352 | Topics in Biology with Lab (when applicable) | 4 |
Integrative Biology
Code | Title | Hours |
Select any 300-level courses, excluding: | ||
Independent Study in Biology | ||
Advanced Research in Biology | ||
Professional Internship in Biology |
Health Professions
Students who major in biology and plan to attend professional schools (medical, dental, veterinary, and others) are encouraged to take two semesters of organic chemistry (CH 221 Organic Chemistry I and CH 222 Organic Chemistry II) and two semesters of calculus-based physics (PY 130 Introductory Physics I with Laboratory: Forces and Energy and PY 140 Introductory Physics II with Laboratory: Electrodynamics). See Preparation for Profession: Affiliated Programs and Other Agreements (Health Professions).
Writing in the Major Requirement
Students are required to communicate scientific ideas (written, visual, and oral) in a manner that meets international biology standards, keeping in mind specific requirements for biological sub-disciplines. Professional biologists give oral presentations, prepare written reports, submit grant proposals and publish results in scholarly journals. In fulfilling the writing requirement in the major, students will learn to:
- write about scientific observations and conclusions in the style and format of an experienced biologist;
- maintain properly written laboratory and/or field notebooks;
- write formal laboratory reports in the format and style of a paper in a scholarly biology journal.
While professional communication is incorporated into all of our courses offered, Biology majors will complete the requirements for Writing in the Major upon the successful completion of BI 373 Scientific Communications in Life Sciences.
Biology Minor
Students who want to minor in biology must take a total of six courses from among those offered in the department.
Code | Title | Hours |
Required Courses | ||
BI 107 | Mol Cell Found of Life | 4 |
BI 108 | Organismal Biology | 4 |
Select two 200-level courses in biology | 8 | |
Select two 300-level courses in biology 1 | 8 | |
CH 115 | Fundamentals of Chemistry with Lab | 4 |
or CH 125 | Principles of Chemistry | |
Total Hours | 28 |
- 1
Note: BI 371 Independent Study in Biology and BI 375 Advanced Research in Biology cannot substitute for one of the 300-level courses in biology.
- Only BI 107 Mol Cell Found of Life, BI 108 Organismal Biology, 200 and 300 level BI courses count toward the Biology major and minor GPA.
- The following courses DO NOT count toward the Biology major and minor GPA:
BI 110 Biology of the Mind
BI 112 Straw into Gold: Science in the Fiber Arts
BI 115H Ecology of Food
BI 120 Human Biology and Medical Decisions: Food, Disease, Sex, Sleep
BI 120H Human Biology and Medical Decisions: Food, Disease, Sex, Sleep
BI 136 Ecology of the Adirondacks
BI 140 Marine Biology
BI 149 The Birds and the Bees: the Biology of Sex
BI 150 Biology: The Scientific Study of Life
BI 151 Topics in Biology without Lab
BI 152 Topics in Biology
BI 152H Topics in Biology: Honors
BI 155 Evolutionary Biology
BI 160 Conservation Biology
BI 165 Microbes and Society
BI 170 Human Genetics
BI 195 Inside Equus: Biology of the Horse
BI 299 Professional Internship in Biology
BI 399 Professional Internship in Biology
To be eligible for honors in Biology, a student must meet the requisite grade-point average1 and complete BI 376 Senior Thesis in Biology with a grade of A- or higher. Students must also complete an honors application by the withdrawal deadline of the spring semester of the senior year. Within this application, students must describe their research experiences and explain why these experiences should qualify them for honors in Biology.
1 Note: To be considered for honors, the college requires a GPA of 3.500 or higher for work in the major, and a GPA of 3.000 or higher based on all work taken at Skidmore.
For students graduating in 2028 and beyond:
To be eligible for honors in Biology, students must meet the all-College requirement of a GPA of 3.00 overall and 3.75 in the major. Additionally, students must complete two semesters of 300-level research (3 credits each) related to biology (work conducted either at Skidmore or at another institution will be considered). Students must also complete an honors application by the withdrawal deadline of the spring semester of the senior year. Within this application, students must describe their research experiences and explain why these experiences should qualify them for honors in Biology.
Course Listing
An introduction to the molecular and cellular processes of life. The course explores topics in molecular biology, biochemistry, cell structure and function, and transmission genetics in a variety of organisms. Students will use a reductionist approach to consider fundamentals, which will be applied to a holistic understanding of the molecular basis of life. In the laboratory, students will carry out inquiry-based exercises using the modern technologies typically deployed by molecular and cellular life scientists.
An introduction to the processes that shape and regulate individuals, populations, communities and ecosystems. Students develop foundational knowledge of evolutionary theory and, from this perspective, explore topics in organismal biology with an emphasis on physiology and ecology. Students will study the different ways organisms have evolved to maintain their internal milieu in the face of environmental challenges and how the composition, functioning, and stability of communities and ecosystems are shaped by biotic and abiotic factors. The laboratory portion of the course is inquiry-based and introduces students to theories and methodologies of modern biology.
An introductory-level examination of the basic neurobiology of the human brain and nervous system. A sufficient depth of biological perspective is developed to allow the student to consider the neurobiological underpinnings of a wide variety of brain-related topics including pathology (select mental and nervous system diseases), socially significant issues (drugs, alcohol), higher function (language, sleep, memory, consciousness), and philosophical issues (mind-body problem, artificial intelligence, ethical issues).
An introductory-level class combining the science of fibers and dying dyeing with their use in creating textiles. Students will learn how to form and test hypotheses and draw evidence-based conclusions while exploring the science behind differences between different fibers and dying dyeing techniques. Topics will include how different animal and vegetable fibers are generated, harvested, and prepared; the relationship between the observed structure and physical properties of fibers and their function; and the chemistry of natural and synthetic dyes and dyeing. Students will also be introduced to creating different textiles, weaving a fabric structure, and the stages and processes involved in constructing a creative textile art form. No previous experience in fiber arts or college level science required. Class will use a flipped classroom and case study project-based pedagogy, meeting for two 3 hour periods per week. A one day weekend workshop and two weekend field trips will be required, as a s well as a final project for display/exhibition.
The study of fundamental concepts in ecology from a who-eats-whom perspective. Topics include the behavior and ecology of herbivores, predators, parasites, and mutualists, interactions among competitors in quest of food, trophic connections, and analyses of communities and landscapes managed for agricultural and aquacultural production. Quantitative field investigations of herbivory in Skidmore's North Woods are complemented by laboratory investigations of plant physical defenses and secondary chemicals, including the use and function of these secondary chemicals in world cuisine. A similar investigative approach is taken to the study of pollination, seed dispersal, and predation. Local food producers contribute to the study of agroecology. Ecological impacts of various agricultural and aquacultural practices and the implications and potential ecological impacts of genetically modified foods are explored.
We share many fundamental biological processes with other living things (food, disease, sex, sleep), but humans also gain and organize information to make evidence-based decisions about our health and lives. This course examines a range of topics in biology (physiology, cell biology, genetics, and neuroscience) and how information is obtained and used to draw conclusions about biology and health. Topics covered do not overlap with BI 105/106, so this course can be taken by pre-med students to address additional MCAT competencies. BI 120H is appropriate for students who are interested in bioethics and a deeper understanding of evidence-based medical decision making.
We share many fundamental biological processes with other living things (food, disease, sex, sleep), but humans also gain and organize information to make evidence-based decisions about our health and lives. This course examines a range of topics in biology (physiology, cell biology, genetics, and neuroscience) and how information is obtained and used to draw conclusions about biology and health. Topics covered do not overlap with BI 105/106, so this course can be taken by pre-med students to address additional MCAT competencies. BI 120H is appropriate for students who are interested in bioethics and a deeper understanding of evidence-based medical decision making.
An introduction to the basic principles of ecology through the lens of the Adirondacks, a 6-million-acre state park in upstate New York. Students will explore the habitats of the Adirondack region, the flow of energy and nutrients through these systems, and how organisms adapt to the environment and interact with one another. Particular emphasis will be given to the way in which environmental issues such as acid rain, invasive species, and climate change affect the ecology of the Adirondacks. Several outdoor labs and one full-day field trip are required.
An examination of the intricate and delicate nature of plant, animal, fungal, and microbial life beneath Earth's oceans and on its shorelines. Lecture topics include ocean chemistry and biochemistry, physiology of marine organisms, evolution and diversity of the marine world, marine ecosystems, and human ocean interactions. The lab will include experimental manipulations of marine plants and animals, survey of various life forms, culture techniques, ecological sampling, and mariculture.
An introduction to the anatomy, physiology and development of human reproductive systems. Students will become familiar with female and male anatomy and development, and will gain a sophisticated understanding of the process of reproduction. Although the focus of the course is on human sex and reproduction, students will study a variety of biological model systems in the laboratory portion of the course.
An introduction to the basic principles underlying the study of life. Topics may range from the origin and evolution of life to the molecular basis of heredity and development, to the structure and function of the global ecosystem. The lectures and labs emphasize the diversity of life, the unifying characteristics shared by all organisms, and an understanding of life based on scientific methods of analysis.
An introductory examination of topics in Biology that are not regularly offered. Topics will vary each time the course is taught.
An opportunity to study topics at the 100 level that are not offered on a regular basis. This course has a 3-hour laboratory component that complements the lecture. The specific topics will vary each time the course is taught. All BI 152 Topics courses fulfill the natural science requirement, but are not generally counted toward a major in biology. If offered as BI 152H, the specific topic course is approved by the Honors Forum as an honors course and is specifically designed to allow students the opportunity to explore the topic in greater depth.
An opportunity to study topics at the 100 level that are not offered on a regular basis. This course has a 3-hour laboratory component that complements the lecture. The specific topics will vary each time the course is taught. All BI 152 Topics courses fulfill the natural science requirement, but are not generally counted toward a major in biology. If offered as BI 152H, the specific topic course is approved by the Honors Forum as an honors course and is specifically designed to allow students the opportunity to explore the topic in greater depth.
An introduction to evolution as the central organizing principle of the biological sciences. This writing-intensive course explores the mechanisms of evolutionary change and introduces the academic and applied issues that challenge modern evolutionary theory. Topics include: human origins, Darwinian medicine, adaptation, and sexual selection.
The biology of species, communities, and ecosystems that are perturbed or threatened by human activities. This course will examine the principles and tools for preserving biological diversity. Topics to be covered include principles of ecology, geographic distribution, animal and plant classification, and population dynamics.
An introduction to basic microbiology that focuses on the impact microbes have on our society. While everybody knows microbes can cause diseases and food spoilage, microbes have a much deeper and positive impact on our lives than most of us realize. Students will focus on basic concepts in microbiology while exploring the vast diversity of microbes, the benefits we obtain from them (cheese, anyone?), and the harms they inflict upon us. We will keep track of the latest news regarding the impact of microbes on our society, and explore our own human microbiome. (Did you know that you are composed of more microbial cells than human cells?) In the lab students will learn basic laboratory and analytical tools and techniques for the study of microbes. In addition the laboratory will focus on aspects of medical microbiology, environmental microbiology, and microscopy.
An introduction to the principles of genetics and their application to human biology. Topics include the history of genetics; the structure, function, and inheritance of genes; medical genetics; and genetic engineering.
An investigation of equine biology as an exceptional and accessible model of animal physiology and behavior. Students will study what makes horses superb athletes and how the genetics, physiology, and behavior of horses have adapted to domestication. Class time will be spent primarily on case studies and problem solving using real life examples. Labs will involve field trips off campus and in-lab experiments. Previous experience with animals/horses is not required.
A survey of topics in evolutionary biology: the evidence for evolution, mechanisms of evolutionary change, species concepts, and speciation. Introduction to the concepts of variability, adaptation, neutrality, and phylogeny through discussion and lab work.
Quantitative and statistical skills required for the study of biology and medicine. Topics include: inference, experimental design and hypothesis testing; assumptions behind statistical models and choice of statistical tests; analysis of variance and covariance; general linear models; regression and multiple regression; parametric and non-parametric tests.
An exploration of the intersecting central tenets of parasitology, epidemiology, and public health. Students will study their commonalities to better understand the dynamics of antagonistic networks; their application to veterinary and human medicine, agriculture, and conservation; and to gain, share, and merge knowledge from different levels of biological organization (subcellular to landscapes and social networks). The course contrasts the insights, opportunities, and methodologies particular to correlative studies, manipulative experiments, in-silico experiments, and meta-analyses, and is grounded in an analysis of current published research.
An examination of the physical and biotic features of the earth, the role of humans in affecting the planet's ecology, and the ways ecological systems affect humans. This course provides the fundamental concepts of environmental biology, along with specific examples from the natural world and human modification. Topics include the basics of the physical nature of the earth; physiological ecology, including the biochemistry and metabolism of life forms and nutrient cycles; biodiversity; interspecific relationships; population and community dynamics; ecosystem structure; pollution and environmental toxicology; resource management; and restoration design. Laboratory consists of field trips, ecological sampling techniques, ecological survey of local habitats, phytoremediation, pollution simulation, and examination of biodiversity.
A field, laboratory, and lecture course in which interactions among organisms and between organisms and their environment are explored. Students will observe ecological patterns and evaluate evidence and arguments for why those patterns exist.
A molecular approach to the study of eukaryotic cell biology. Students gain an understanding of the molecular nature of key processes in cell biology including 1) the dynamic structure of proteins and nucleic acids and how they interact to promote cell function; 2) eukaryotic cell cycle; 3) control of cell growth and cell death by key regulatory molecules that, if misregulated, predictably lead to states characteristic of transformed and cancerous cells; and 4) essentials of eukaryotic gene expression-including chromatin architecture, nuclear pre-mRNA processing, mRNA export and quality control of gene expression. The laboratory portion of the course is project-based and designed to expose students to current methodologies and experimental strategies commonly used in the study of cell biology at the molecular level.
The function and structure of major systems of vertebrates considered principally from the perspective of their ability to meet environmental demands.
A study of biological patterns of heredity explained by genes, their structure, function, and transmission from cell to cell and parent to offspring, and the expression of genetic information. Topics include an in-depth study of mitosis, meiosis, Mendelian genetics and extension of Mendelian genetics, to complex traits and their analysis in individuals and populations. Breeding and analysis of fruit flies requires lab work outside of scheduled lab time.
A comprehensive introduction to the biology of three major groups of microbes: bacteria, protists, and viruses. Microbial diversity will be explored in the context of the structure, physiology, metabolism, and molecular genetics of various microbial taxa. We will discuss microbial diseases, nonspecific and specific human immune responses, and general strategies used by microbes to overcome these defenses. The final section of the course will explore key concepts in microbial ecology. Emphasis will be placed on the central role of bacteria in geochemical cycles and symbiotic associations with plants and animals. In the laboratory, students will isolate bacteria from a variety of environments (wounds, soil, etc.) and apply standard techniques used in clinical and environmental microbiology labs to study their physiology and metabolism.
The course provides a cellular and organismal view of essential features of eukaryotic cell biology. Students will study cellular functions such as protein structure and function, cytoskeletal organization, cell migration, cellular metabolism, and cell signaling. These topics will be explored in the context of healthy and cancerous cells. In the laboratory, students will gain experience with modern techniques for visualizing cell biological processes, with emphasis on model organisms, pharmacology, fluorescence and confocal microscopy.
An opportunity to study topics that are not offered on a regular basis. The specific topics will vary each time the course is taught.
An opportunity to study topics that are not offered on a regular basis. This course has a 3-hour laboratory component that complements the lecture. The specific topics will vary each time the course is taught.
An introductory exploration of research in the biological sciences. Students plan, design, and implement a small research project from the laboratory or field in coordination with a faculty member. This experience will allow students at various stages of their careers to sample research methodologies in particular subdisciplines of biology.
Internship opportunity for students whose curricular foundations and experience have prepared them for professional work related to the major field. With faculty sponsorship and department approval, students may extend their educational experience into such areas as laboratory or field research, or clinical medicine.
An examination of the relationship between ecological factors and animal behavior, particularly social behavior. Students will analyze comparative studies of behavior, employ and critique economic models of behavior and models of evolutionarily stable strategies, and explore relationships among resource distribution, kinship, breeding systems, and social evolution.
A study of selected topics in mammalian physiology, including respiratory, renal, and neural physiology.
Birds as model organisms for an integrative study of biology. This course explores avian form and function; the ecology, evolution, and behavior of birds; and avian conservation.
An advanced exploration of the genetic aspects of microbiology. Students will study the genetic characteristics of prokaryotes and how bacterial model organisms contribute to our understanding of fundamental genetic processes in all living cells. Students will also explore applied topics, including the genetics of bioremediation and increasing prevalence of bacterial antibiotic resistance. In the laboratory, students will use modern methods in molecular genetics to explore the use of microorganisms in basic research.
Practical and theoretical study of the operation and application of electron microscopes and the preparation of samples for electron microscopy. Topics include chemical fixation, cryofixation, cytochemistry, immunolabeling, ultramicrotomy, transmission electron microscopy, scanning electron microscopy, and electron microscopic photography.
Behavior is a product of evolution and a means of animal adaptation. This course considers the mechanisms, proximate causes, and ultimate origins of behavior.
An introduction to the ecology of tropical regions, with an emphasis on Central and South American forests. In this course, we will take an ecological approach to investigating the patterns, processes, and organisms characterizing tropical ecosystems. We will study the forces that gave rise to tropical biodiversity, and discuss both the preservation and destruction of tropical ecosystems.
Focuses upon developing an understanding of the diversity of life, in an ecological and evolutionary context, and applying that understanding to critical analyses of issues and problems in conservation biology.
Explores five major facets of global change and their interaction as they relate to living organisms in their current and emerging environments. These are: 1) the redistribution of greenhouse gases and limiting nutrients, 2) climate change, 3) urbanization and associated novel contaminants, 4) habitat fragmentation, and 5) the redistribution of biodiversity. Students will study ongoing change in terrestrial, marine, and freshwater environments; explore responses by microbes, protists, plants, invertebrates and vertebrates, as well as the processes that link the taxa; and make significant use of predictive and descriptive quantitative models.
A deep dive into marine life that applies and leverages the students’ diverse expertise and interests within Biology. Students will explore the physiologies and ecological phenomena associated with life in marine environments including the open ocean, deep sea, coastlines, estuaries, coral reef systems, and ice. Connectivity and interaction between these habitats and their occupants is a focus. This course is taxonomically broad fish, sharks, marine mammals and seabirds, as well as invertebrates, algae and bacteria and students will additionally explore how these organisms and their environments change over time in response to historical and emerging pressures.
An introduction to the biology of plants, including molecular, cellular, developmental, and ecological approaches. Plants and other photosynthetic eukaryotes (e. g. algae) profoundly influence the infrastructure and functional dynamics of virtually all of Earth's ecosystems. Plants also contribute significantly to the foundation of human economy including the food, pharmaceutical, textile, building and biofuels industries. Students will analyze the biology of plants within the framework of a comprehensive survey of various plant and algal groups. Students will review primary literature focused on novel experimental approaches to the study of plants.
The biochemistry, molecular biology, expansion dynamics , transport processes, and environmental responses of plants. Topics include survey of the structure and biosynthetic pathways of carbohydrates, lipids, proteins and secondary compounds, DNA/RNA mechanics, membrane dynamics and function, plant cell development, mineral and vitamin nutrition, respiration, photosynthesis, hormone action, photoperiodism, taxes and stress biology.
A modern analysis of humankind's use of plants and fungi and their derived products. Major subjects covered include ethnobotany, plant genetic engineering, plant biochemistry, techniques of plant production, agricultural practices, horticulture, and medicinal botany/mycology.
Exploration of the evolution and ecology of interactions between plants and animals. Topics include mutualism (e.g., pollination, frugivory), antagonism (e.g., herbivory, granivory), indirect effects that cascade across taxa, and mechanisms by which plant-animal interactions affect the susceptibility of both groups to pathogenic microbes and fungi. Students perform all the steps of active research (research design, data collection, analysis and presentation), as well as read and critique classic and recent studies from the literature. Student research in Skidmore's North Woods and surrounding areas will be emphasized.
An examination of neurodevelopment from an anatomical, genetic, and molecular perspective. Students will study cellular migrations, tissue organization, patterning, and differentiation. In laboratory, students will gain experience with visualizing the developing nervous system at various stages, using techniques such as immunocytochemistry, in situ hybridization, and live fluorescent and bright field imaging.
Historic examination of axon guidance research using primary sources. Students will review and present seminal research articles that transitioned the field of axon guidance from a small research question to a major field in neurobiology. Students will study mechanisms of axon guidance, model systems, relevant gene families, and cellular and molecular approaches. Substantial emphasis will be placed on strengths and weakness of methodologies currently in use in the field. Students will develop scientific writing and oral presentation skills through multiple graded assignments.
A survey of the role of hormones in coordinating key aspects of organismal function, including growth, development, metabolism, stress, and reproduction. Students will compare and contrast the structure and function of endocrine systems across vertebrate groups with an emphasis on understanding how endocrine systems mediate adaptive responses to environmental challenges. In addition, students will explore how our understanding of endocrine systems informs the treatment of a variety of human diseases. Through detailed analysis of primary literature, students will focus on the technical approaches and model systems currently used in modern endocrinology.
Organisms in all the major taxonomic groups have internalized geophysical and other periodicities in the form of endogenous biological mechanism that function as clocks. Theoretical, molecular, cellular, physiological, behavioral, ecological, and biomedical aspects of biological clocks will be examined, with an emphasis on circadian clocks.
An investigation into the concepts and mechanisms foundational to the study of human genetics and biomedical research on the genetic basis of health and disease. Topics include identifying mutations that cause genetic disorders or contribute to risk of disease, developmental, cellular and molecular mechanisms mediating genetic mechanisms of disease, and the use of genetic technology in diagnosis and treatment of medical disorders. A working knowledge of basic concepts in Mendelian and molecular genetics is assumed.
An exploration of cell biological functions and effects of Cannabis sativa . Students will examine cellular, developmental, behavioral and physiological questions posed in Cannabis research. In lecture, students will read and present cutting-edge primary literature that addresses these questions. In lab, students will engage completely in problem-based activities where they develop their own hypothesis, methodology and analysis and communicate their results in written and oral formats. Students will become familiar with Cannabis macro- and micro-anatomy, growth, and harvest coupled with greenhouse technology. They will determine the chemical constituents of Cannabis sativa. Finally, they will explore the effect of Cannabis extracts on zebrafish nervous system development using cell biological approaches. Sophisticated technologies include stereomicroscopy, conventional fluorescent microscopy, and Liquid Chromatography and Mass Spectrophotometry.
This course gives students an opportunity to study topics that are not offered on a regular basis. The specific topics will vary each time the course is taught.
An opportunity to study advanced topics that are not offered on a regular basis. This 4-credit course has a 3-hour laboratory component that complements the lecture. The specific topics will vary each time the course is taught, and prerequisites will vary according to the topic.
A study of eukaryotic genome structure, evolution and function. We will explore genome structural complexity including the dynamic composition and architecture of chromatin and the mechanisms by which its integrity is maintained and its function is regulated. This course will culminate in the exploration in the exploration of the causes and consequences of epigenetic control that together drive genome plasticity. Integral to this course will be the study of the various modes of inquiry and research tools utilized by scientists to investigate these questions.
An exploration of the structure, genetics, and pathogenesis of all types of viruses, from bacterial to mammalian. Rather than taking an encyclopedic approach, the course begins as an overview of common themes in the life cycles of all viruses. Building upon this foundation, the course will then draw largely from recent published research to explore features of the life cycle and pathogenesis of specific viruses.
An exploration of the latest techniques used to study bacteria-host interactions at the molecular level. The course delves into common obstacles that disease-causing bacteria must overcome in order to colonize a human host and the general strategies bacteria have evolved to overcome these obstacles. Comparisons will be made to symbiotic bacteria-host interactions, and questions such as "How did pathogenic bacteria evolve?" will be addressed. Grounded in current published research, the class will also explore, at the molecular level, mechanisms used by specific pathogens to colonize and damage host tissue.
An investigation into our current understanding of the central features of eukaryotic gene expression, including the synthesis, processing, export, translation, and turnover of mRNA and the biological machines that carry out these fundamental processes. When appropriate, we will examine how defects in these processes contribute to human disease. We will also explore how structural (micro and long non-coding) RNA molecules exert regulatory control over gene expression. Central to our work will be an exploration of the biochemical, molecular, and genetic methods and emerging technologies used to study RNA metabolism.
A study of the theory and practice of advanced light microscopy. This course will introduce students to the theory and practice of advanced light microscopy and its role in biological research. Lecture and laboratory will interact closely and present students with such topics as immunocytochemistry, fluorescent protein construction and transformation, three-dimensional reconstruction, and time-lapse imaging. In the laboratory, students will have extensive hands-on practice with our fluorescence research microscopes and confocal laser scanning microscopy culminating in digital portfolio.
An introductory course in the methods, procedures, uses, and implications of digital computer modeling of biological processes, from the molecular through the population level or organization, with particular focus on the systems level.
An opportunity for students to pursue in-depth specialized topics not available through regular course offerings.
An opportunity for students to identify and prepare for pre- and post-baccalaureate goals in the biological sciences. Students will work with the Career Development Center and peers to craft a polished résumé, curriculum vitae, and cover letter addressing internship opportunities, graduate and professional programs, and jobs. Students will also generate and critique examples of the three main forms of scientific communication-posters, oral presentations, and journal articles-and practice the communication of scientific information to the general public.
A seminar where students engage with biological topics of broader relevance through interaction with speakers, group discussion/projects, and reflection. Speakers (current Department faculty members and guests from other institutions) will present their work as well as career path. Students will discuss and communicate relevant topics in Biology and reflect on their own biology education and career goals.
An opportunity for students to engage in advanced laboratory or field research under the guidance of a faculty member. The emphasis is on the development of analytical and technical expertise in biological research.
An opportunity for Biology seniors for in-depth research or independent study under supervision of a Biology faculty member cumulating in a research paper and presentation to the department.
Professional experience at an advanced level for juniors and seniors with substantial academic experience in the major field. With faculty sponsorship and department approval, students may extend their educational experience into such areas as laboratory or field research, or clinical medicine.
Additional Courses
An interdisciplinary examination of the neurobiological bases of behavior and mental processing. Topics include the structure and functioning of the nervous system, brain-behavior relationships, and hormonal and genetic effects on behavior and mental processing. Laboratories develop students' understanding of functional neuroanatomy, neural transmission, and human psychophysiology.
A study of selected areas of neuroscience research and techniques. Both primary source articles and first-person accounts by faculty in the biology and psychology departments are used to introduce the theoretical and practical aspects of neuroscience research. Emphasis will be placed on understanding the multiple levels (e.g., molecular to behavioral) at which research topics in neuroscience can be addressed and also the ways in which research techniques define the types of questions that can be asked at a given level of analysis.